I have not been posting much because of several reasons. One of which is because I have BABIES on the brain! Most notably my future nieces/nephews/combo platter but also because of my cousin who's due in less than a month (wait, my cousin's wife...my cousin-in-law?), my cousin (actual) due in April, my cousin (actual) due in June, my cousin-in-law due in July, my friends due between May and August!!!! Holy Schnickeys! It's a veritable baby explosion around here!! In other busy-ness....it's the end of the period/year end at work so I'm busy with lame stuff there; I have lawyers to meet with next week regarding my future (sounds ominous doesn't it?) and I have ideas bubbling out of my head for what I want to do with the house, crafting, knitting, baby showers (!), cooking, baking, resolutions, book lists, movie lists and babies of my own. Whew! There's a lot to think about! I'm trying to come up with some good "goals" (not "resolutions"...