New Links

I've added a few more links to blogs I've been frequenting lately. These are amazing, inspiring, creative women and I love reading about their lives, seeing their creations and feeling a litte bit a part of their community. Check 'em out!

Hello, My Name is Heather - amazing photography, sewing, fabric design, crafty goodess and adorable children

Tree Fall Design - More crafty/sewy (?!) goodness and another adorable child to boot. Very inspiring.

Little Shika - A fabulous quilter & she really really makes me want to learn that art. Great stories too.

Pixiegenne - found via Little Shika - very creative & another inspiration to add to my list. Great ideas & photos.

Piddleloop - Knitting, softies, crafty goodness. So much fun!

Fricknits - More knitting and great writing.

When I'm feeling low I can visit any one of these websites and gather inspiration and spirit to pick me up and get doing something again. A lot of these talented women have Etsy shops and if you're looking for unique, hand made gifts, you should really check them out.


African Kelli said…
LOVE this links. Thank you Miss Carrie!

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