
Showing posts from September, 2009


Okay - I just ate an entire can of chicken noodle soup, some kettle chips, a bunch of baby carrots and a corn muffin and I'm absolutely still hungry. As in I feel WEAK with hunger. Now I'm going to eat a banana & a pudding cup to see if that sates me...if not I will move on to dry-roasted peanuts with candy corn..hmmm...I may have that anyway!

More Details

Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone! It was hard to keep that a secret for so long. I wanted to get through most of production before spilling the beans because I didn't want special treatment (or to hear - 'oh Carrie's just hormonal!"). We had our first OB appointment last week. According to the internet's calculations (via LMP) the due date would be April 24th. The NP that I saw said that my uterus felt more like 10 1/2 weeks (which would put it at April 17th or so) then we had a dating ultrasound which put us at May 1. So I'm saying "spring." ha! My actual doc will be reading the ultrasound herself and I have another appt on Oct 19 so we'll probably get a different (or more definite) date then. So Peder & Sarah - looks like we'll have babies with VERY similar birth dates! In other news, Dahlia has been telling me about 5 minutes before she poops....eeek. I'm going to get out the potty chair and at least start *thinking* about i...

Beans Spilled

I've been holding on to this one for a while...since about my birthday...but now it's time to share the news!


I came downstairs this morning and Steve informed me that the cats had been chasing a mouse. Awesome. I have a strong conflict of interest - I do not want to kill animals AND I do not want mice in our house. hmph.

Bill Paying

I realize that the reason I had "so much money" (hahahaha) in my checking account is because I didn't pay any September bills. Whoops! *sigh* Now I'm truly broke.


Well, at least this weekend was a *little* productive. We should've been more so but ah well. Friday? I don't remember Friday. I think that's because I went to bed at about 9pm. I'm exciting like that. I then laid there for 40 minutes watching a stupid episode of 20/20 which I wasn't interested I said. I'm exciting like that. Saturday we got up and hiked up to the Chester Bowl Fall Festival. It was really nice. Beautiful day. No one on the trail on the way up there but we could hear people had parked FAR away! ha! We didn't have to cross one street to get there from our house - we went straight into the woods from our house and ended up in a festival. We had fair food (corn dog), listened to some live music, bought a few gifts and had a great time. But it got HOT! Back down the trail we went. At home we put Dahlia down for a nap, ate lunch and planned our day. Our goal was to get the radiators (upstairs) primed so we can get them painted, the walls...

Can't live like this much longer

Our house is a disaster! Seriously. I cannot stand it. We have all the radiators off upstairs, so that we can paint them & the walls behind them (and remove disgusting wallpaper); the wallboard in the upstairs bathroom is still incomplete, Dahlia's room is ALMOST complete, but her dresser is in the hallway & the changing table is in our room, and the rug is rolled up against the wall in our bedroom; the bookshelves are not not painted yet - so there are piles of books everywhere....the downstairs hasn't been painted so no artwork has been hung (we are approaching our one-year-anniversary in this house; the kitchen has ONE coat of paint on it but not 2 so that's not done. We have "new" (old) radiators in our basement that are waiting to be installed. ARGH!!!!! I'm so sick of it! I want to move into a house that is DONE DONE DONE!!! Because...all THESE changes are cosmetic! Just wait til we dive into the wiring & plumbing. ARGH!!!!!!

Today's Gonna be a Good Day!

Dahlia slept in til 8am this morning. HALLELUJAH! I had time to get up & get ready before she was her (cute but) demanding self. When I went in to get her, instead of her screaming her head off, she was cutely standing there holding out two nuks for my approval. I'll take it! The sun is shining and we're still experiencing "summer." FINALLY! Thank goodness. I'm still wearing skirts & sandals and I like that. I made waffles for myself for breakfast this morning, because I have a few extra moments and I had a hankering for them. Sadly, they're not as good as when Steve makes them, but ah well. I'm going to go see THE HURT LOCKER at 4:15 this afternoon at the brand-spanking-new-movie-theater in my building at work! I can't wait! I haven't seen a movie (in a theater) since I was in LA in May (!). Steve is picking Miss Dahlia up after work so I can indulge in this micro-vacation. So yeah, today's gonna be a good day.

Family Fun Day

On Saturday, despite all the work we have to do around our house, we decided to have some fun together as a family. It's been a while since we've gotten to do that. We got on our bikes and headed to the Lakewalk where the 1st annual Lakewalk Festival was happening. They had stations set up all along the Lakewalk where you could pick up your "Passport to Fun" and then get it stamped at various other spots along the Lakewalk. It was a "treasure hunt" of sorts. There were clues and you had to find each station in order to get a stamp. It was quite clever. We got 16 out of 27 which made us eligible for free ice cream & to be entered into a drawing for local gift certificates, etc (we must not've won because I haven't heard anything). Dahlia had fun checking out the animals from the zoo (a snake, a guinea pig & a ferret), dancing, sitting in a fire truck, people & dog watching...and of course eating ice cream! After we were done with the Lakew...

Flyway Film Festival

GOD ROCKED just got into another festival. The Flyway Film Festival in Pepin, Wisconsin. October 22 through October 25. You should totally come! More details soon...

What's going on PBS?

Yesterday at 7:30 there was some new animated dinosaur show on (instead of Dahlia's BELOVED Barney) - that's all fine and well, but the audio wasn't working and all we could hear was background music/sound effects, none of the dialogue.. At first I thought maybe it was supposed to be dialogue free....but no, just a technical issue. Today at 7:30 (my coveted shower time, usually where Dahlia is entertained by said purple dinosaur) there was an episode of "Wishbone" on which is WAY too old for Dahlia. WAY too old. (great, just saw an ad for Barney - now on at 12:30pm every day...oh THAT'S convenient!). Anyway - I'm hoping they haven't messed with the Sesame Street schedule....that would just be too much!

I took a nap today...

I'm not going to lie. It rocked.

Quite possibly one of the coolest things I've ever done...

I went up on the Lift Bridge!


Today you can SAVE ...and on the 7th day, God Rocked in your Netflix queue! PLEASE DO! Tell all your friends & family! Whohoooo!

Production kicking my ass.... But in a good way. We have an awesome crew & cast; ridiculous gear and amazing locations. I've been updating Facebook via my iPhone so check over there for pics and short messages. Today our call is not til 1 so I'm taking this morning to catch up on a few things - like reading your blogs! and paying bills! and....watering plants! ha. It's been tough on the home front because I haven't been home much - at all - and the stress is starting to show through (on some people). But we will push through and try to do things when we can. Yeah, it's a lot of 18-20 hour days (some shorter....) right now but this is why my schedule can be so flexible the rest of the year! I can't wait to show you guys some footage from this film. It's unlike anything we've ever shot before and I'm very excited! Now - on to the plant watering before they all just curl up & die!