
Showing posts from January, 2006

It got to me

No, not the rejection from SXSW...well, okay, that got to me too but I'm speaking of something more immediate. My arts & crafts supplies. I mentioned it the other day - then did nothing about it except go out and buy 3 more skeins of yarn and some new bamboo needles to start yet another project. See? This is how it works with me. I've always been crafty/artsy but in my adulthood it's taken over a part of my life. And I can't just do one thing. Heaven forbid I should actually get REALLY GOOD at something - no, I'm a dabbler. I might be making soaps one week and then tiling a fireplace the next. Well, I think my soap phase has passed...but the back-splash in my kitchen is eyeing me for some new tiles. My staples are card-making & scrapbooking - however I am THE WORLD'S SLOWEST SCRAPBOOKER and have never really finished a scrapbook. Or even a trip/event for that matter. *sigh* Regardless it's something I enjoy. I love having all my embellishments and pa...


Well, I'm sad to say that we were rejected by yet another film festival. Donna there will be no shots at Maggie Mae's....*sigh* there will only be me moping about, wondering if my little film will EVER be seen. I don't think I'm delusional. I think people will actually like this movie. I mean, granted it's made for the 1 out of 10 but that's okay. I just have to round up a bunch of people and surely some of them will get it and like it and blah blah blah. I don't know. I'm not crushed...I think I'm getting used to rejection. I would like to get into A festival - sheesh. I know that we're better than some films they show. I'm just getting ornery. This is definitely a roller coaster - the ups the downs the in betweens. It's been a long 3 years and now I'm going to have a beer.

Brokeback Mountain: A Review

My Brokeback Mountain review is here .

Art art art....

I'm on a bit of a high right now as I spent the evening working with still images from Newton's Disease and making a FINAL FCP movie of the film! Ack! I'm excited about the conceptual poster/dvd art that we have thus far (my cousin-in-law/graphic designer extraordinare kicks ass) and also the fact that we are SOOOOOOO CLOSE to getting this thing OUT OF THE DOOR. Leaving port. get the idea. And I'm also excited because once we have the FCP movie (which will live on our hard drive forever) we will then make a final M2V for the DVD and then the FINAL DV CAM master and from that a digi-beta master and then GUESS WHAT?!?!?! No more Newton's Disease on my computer!!! Whopeeeee! I will regain oodles of hard drive space and be able to tidy up files and delete delete delete (of course after making the appropriate back-up files) and then? Then I can edit my future SIL and BIL's wedding! And I can RELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX. *sigh* So yeah...PLEASE keep...

The things you discover about yourself....

via Rude Cactus ... Ten Top Trivia Tips about Naturally optimistic! Naturally optimistic has a memory span of three seconds! Naturally optimistic was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink naturally optimistic. It is impossible to fold naturally optimistic more than seven times. In 1982 Time Magazine named naturally optimistic its 'Man of the Year'! Naturally optimistic is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world. If you break naturally optimistic, you will get seven years of bad luck. If you lick naturally optimistic ten times, you will consume one calorie! Naturally optimistic was first discovered by Alexander the Great in India, and introduced to Europe on his return. Two grams of naturally optimistic provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours! I am interested in - do tell me about her him it them

Beavis & the Attack of the Green Bag

I was slumbering beautifully last night - dreaming all sorts of weird things. One dream was that I was at the doctor's office but it wasn't really the doctor's it was the hairdresser and I was getting a new 'do! Yes! I was so excited but had to sit in this really weird chair/contraption thing which made me nervous. But I was excited. Anyway - as I sat there I started to hear a crackling sound....Fire! Something was on fire in my dream! Was it my hair?!?! And then I woke up - Ohmygod - is something on fire in my house?!?!? And I woke up to a loud crackling noise in the bedroom. I was disoriented and it took me a minute to realize that Beavis was rounding the end of the bed, walking slowly and carefully and making so much god-awful noise! Crackling so loud in the wee hours of the morning (3am). Poor Beavis had a green plastic grocery bag caught around his neck by the handle! Poor kitty. I felt so bad for him, jumped up immediately to soothe him and remove the offending ba...


I'm in a start a new project! I finally finished my last *Christmas* scarf (doh! I'm a bit behind) and now I have a void!! There are several scarf patterns I want to try...I also would like to make another baby I could start that. Then there's the scrapbooking. I'm going on a 5-day scrapbook retreat w/my sister in March and I need to finish my Mexico trip (from last Feb) before then! I just HAVE to...and then I need to get organized so I have stuff to work on there. I'd also maybe like to work on a wedding project while there. We'll see... But most importantly I should probably drag out all of my crafting supplies - all the beads, the paper, the yarn, the clue, the patterns, the markers, the stamps, the punches, the embellishments, etc etc and figure out what I have and what I don't need and get it in one place so I can USE it!! So before I can start anything new.........I need to figure out my current supplies...ack! So, I guess my d...

What was lost is now found.

Wallet recovered. Praise the lord!

A way to ruin my weekend

Well, I think I lost my wallet. It's not really a wallet, just a little zipper pouch that Steve bought me in Japan. It holds everything - my driver's license, my credit cards, debit cards, AAA card, and actually, for the first time in MONTHS cash. Figures. I am so incredibly bummed out right now I can't even think straight. It probably fell out of my pocket when I was at happy hour last night and someone probably took it and now I'm screwed. I'm so sad. :-(


It's Friday - whoppeeee. Slow day at the office - filled with stuffing checks for the A/P department and also doing Sudoku puzzles that I secretly downloaded and printed at work. Heh heh. Hey, I'm still "working with numbers..." It should count, right? I got a bonus! Whoppeee! Well I actually get it next week. I wasn't planning on it AT ALL so I am very pleasantly surprised. It will go 80% towards debt reduction and then 20% to wedding fund/knitting supplies/anniversary gift for my sweetie. Happy Hour after work for a departed co-worker (her job was eliminated this week - she's not sad about it!). Now, nothing. Contemplating knitting, watching tv, doing my taxes, reading or going to bed really early. Steve is jamming tonight (he plays drums) with a friend (guitar) in the dining room so I'm not sure how "going to bed early" will work...we'll see.... Happy Weekend!


A friend of mine from high school, K, and I have been in touch through the years - more recently that previously via email. God bless the internet. I have so enjoyed re-connecting with her and becoming good friends again. I missed out on a good chunk of her life, and her mine but now we're catching up and I'm really enjoying it. I knew she had an on again off again relationship with a guy for about 3 years. This guy didn't sound like he was all roses but some part of them really connected and through the ups and downs they were there for each other. They had just started coming to terms with some crap that had gone on between them and starting on a new, fresh, clean page. The new year was arriving, things were stable and good and a strong friendship remained. They were even thinking of really giving it another go in a serious relationship format and seeing where it might lead. The Wednesday after Christmas they spent a lovely evening together - I know they hung out and had...

The website is up! Newton's Disease Well, okay, it's a temp site, and it is shamelessly asking for contributions to our DVD burning/festival submitting fund. There will be more updates soon...a trailer for the film, photos, news & updates....soon.... So, check it out. If you're feeling generous - donate a buck, or two (or 50 - we're not picky...)


I am feeling 97% today - whopeee! I have taken 2 Emergen-C packets ("lemon/lime") in the past 24 hours and I think they might be helping. I wish I would've had them a week ago. Tonight - nothing planned....putzing, bill paying, tuna-casserole-making, reading evening. Sounds good to me.

*cough cough*

Well, I've had a nasty cold since last Tuesday. Ugh. I don't usually get anything that lasts for more than 24 hours or so so this has really sucked. The tickle in the back of the throat, the aches & chills (luckily that was only one day), the headaches, the hacking up bits of my lungs - you get the idea. Now it's about 85%-90% contained and thank god for that. I am sick of feeling sick. I had WAY more energy today than I have had in a week and that has been great. (I still don't want to scoop litter boxes but I suppose I have to at some point, eh?) Nothing much new to report other than being blechy. I do have some thoughts on religion & marriage but I still have a headache so those thoughts may have to wait. Now, time to scoop the poop. joy.

My Time

Well, I didn't end up going to callbacks for the show. I appreciated the opinions I got from you here and from some friends in my email too. I don't know why it was such a hard decision for me. This is a big year of change for me - I'm getting married, I need to look towards the future and think about things like our life together, our finances together, having children together, growing old, blah blah blah. There are things that I want in our everyday that I won't be able to accomplish if I'm rehearsing 6-10 6 nights a week for 10 weeks! Gah! The house projects have to be done. We found a house that we absolutely fell in love with in November (even though we're technically "not looking") and we could've made a move if the house was in selling condition. Don't get me wrong. I love my house. I could live here for a long time - big yard, 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, 2 bathrooms, huge kitchen, cute porch (now that it's done) - but the neighborhoo...


I'm sick. I have been sick since Tuesday night. Ugh. Chest cold, aches, chills, sore throat. Blech. I went to work yesterday and my skin hurt. I hate that. Today I didn't go in. I've been couching it all day - a little reading, a little sleeping a little feeling... meh . I am feeling better right now...hopefully with some more easy-going and be better tomorrow. I am a really bad sick person. I feel like a slug.
Knitted super soft lovely hat, scarf & mittens from S to me. She kicks my knitting ass. 
Knitted hat from S to Steve. 

What to do...

What to do what to do ā€“ letā€™s lay it outā€¦ Iā€™m very flattered and my actor vanity is quite pleased that I was called to audition for this show. I donā€™t even have to go to auditions, I could go straight to callbacks which is very cool. I like the role and I feel like theyā€™re basically offering it to me. I could be wrong but thatā€™s how I feel. I donā€™t want to give up all that time. If it was 4 weeks or even 6 weeks that would be one thing ā€“ but this is 10 weeks. 10 weeks !! The last time I worked on a show for 10 weeks I wanted to hang myself. I already paid for a retreat w/my sister. This has been planned for many months and Iā€™m looking forward to it. I could definitely use the $160 in my bank account IF I could find someone to take my place. If I canā€™t ā€“ Iā€™m out the money and the weekend and that would suck royally. I am dying to be on stage again. There I said it. I sort of envisioned a smaller show with a good (meatier?) role but I will take what I can get since Iā€™m a...


There's a show that I love and would love to be in. The auditions were tonight. I chose not to audition because the rehearsal process is very long and I am thinking I should focus on getting the house spruced up and doing wedding planning. But part of me really wants to do it. I got a call tonight from the director of the theater. She's also choreographing the show. She said I should really REALLY come down tomorrow night for the auditions. REALLY. *sigh* I am torn. I have a lot of thinking to do. *sigh* again...