Art art art....

I'm on a bit of a high right now as I spent the evening working with still images from Newton's Disease and making a FINAL FCP movie of the film! Ack! I'm excited about the conceptual poster/dvd art that we have thus far (my cousin-in-law/graphic designer extraordinare kicks ass) and also the fact that we are SOOOOOOO CLOSE to getting this thing OUT OF THE DOOR. Leaving port. get the idea. And I'm also excited because once we have the FCP movie (which will live on our hard drive forever) we will then make a final M2V for the DVD and then the FINAL DV CAM master and from that a digi-beta master and then GUESS WHAT?!?!?! No more Newton's Disease on my computer!!! Whopeeeee! I will regain oodles of hard drive space and be able to tidy up files and delete delete delete (of course after making the appropriate back-up files) and then? Then I can edit my future SIL and BIL's wedding!



So yeah...PLEASE keep checking for updates...they will be coming constantly as we grow and build and get more artwork and finish the trailer and have updates (like Oh! We got into XYZ Film Festival or whatever) and we need lots of support and buzz and viewers!

But for now...I must bid you adieu......

And I if I can stop spazzing about, I will go to bed....


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