
Showing posts from February, 2005

Vacation: Day 3

On Tuesday we still had our rented bikes, so after some strong Mexican coffee and Coca-Cola Light and breakfast at El Pirata we went back to the bike shop to exchange my slighly defective We rode our bikes back out to Playacar. This time it was much easier due to WAY less traffic and people. Thank god. Well, before we went into the aviary, we biked all the way around the loop again. Due to the handlebar smashing of the day before, we lost the lock that went on the Boy's bike. So, we looped back looking for it, hoping it would still be in the median where we accidentally left it. Well, it wasn't there. Oh well, what can you do...we decided not to let it worry us too much and went back to the aviary. It was a little spendy ($15 admission) but we were on vacation! We wanted to see native flora & fauna! And we were on vacation! So we paid it and went in. It's very low-key. No obnoxious.... anything . Just one girl sitting at an open air desk in front and a pop machine. That...
Walked right up on this guy - he's very camouflaged! Sneaky creature! 
Toucan Sam in the flesh! 
Xaman-Ha Aviary - cranes & flamingos 

Oscar Night

Okay - I'm a HUGE dork for the Oscars. I don't know why but I get completely caught up in it every year. Well, okay, it could be because I'm an actor and a filmmaker (might have something to do with it) but I just love the party atmosphere, the ladies and gents dressed to the nines, the jewels, the speaches, the tributes. I love it! I used to live about a block away from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood and it was so thrilling for me to go there the day before the Oscars and walk on the red carpet and check out the preparations, the flowers, the people, it made me so excited!! (again...dork). Last year I had an Oscar party - the first soiree in my house - and it was so much fun. I decorated everything with black and gold, stars hanging from the ceiling, confetti on the table, Oscar ballots (and prize for the winner), champagne tons of food and a 5' paper mache Oscar statue for posing with/picture taking. (dork, III). Anyway - the arrivals have started and as much as I try...

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was lovely. We woke up and it was - guess what? Clear, Sunny blue skies, 80-85 degrees outside, a slight breeze (which picks up in the afternoon) off the ocean. *sigh* On Monday we didn't do a ton ...we walked around a bit, had breakfast at the Las MaƱanitas (again), laid in the sun, read our books and later that afternoon went to rent bikes. We thought we were SOOOOO lucky - Playa Bike was right across the street from our hotel. How fortunate. Unfortunately when we went early in the day, they didn't have any bikes. So we came back later and they had a couple. A boy's and a girl's. Well, the boy's bike was crap but it fit Steve okay. We thought my bike was 'nicer' but the seat needed to be adjusted. So for an hour we sat on the sidewalk and watched the two "bike guys" (hardly) try to get the seat lowered to accommodate my short stature. It was hot. They were sweating. They had a little teeny hammer that was bent that they kept ...
Valentine's Dinner 
Beach Musician 
Steve & a palapa 
Ahhh...Palm Trees 
Carrie Sunning on the Beach 
Silly Smile 
On our first morning we slept in. We got to Playa late (about 1:30am) and couldn't sleep very well due to SUPER loud music at our hotel's bar & the club next door. We went for breakfast at a great little place on 5th Avenue called Las MaƱanitas and then spent the day laying on the beach relaxing, reading and marveling at the beauty all around us. That night we enjoyed dinner & margaritas and a couple beers at our hotel bar - El Pirata. 

Mexican Vacation

Hola! We have returned from the Mexican Rivera. What a wonderful time. White sand beaches, turquoise crystal clear water and muy cervezas! The food was great, the sights fantastic, the company outstanding. I have posted a few pics...we took over 200 so this is just a sampling. If you want to see any others, just let me know!
Fire Dancers at the Blue Parrot 
Temple of Kuklacan at Chichen Itza (El Castillo) 
Beautiful Sunrise 
Sunning outside the Costa del Mar 
Valentine's Day 2005 
Mexican Margaritas 


Should I be packing? Yes. Cleaning up the house? Yes. Putting fresh litter in Beavis's box? Yes. Am I? Of course not...that would leave no time for scrambling around like a crazy person tomorrow. Sheesh. Plus, I'm burning a very special CD....(and obviously have to supervise). We went to the candlelight ski tonight at Jay Cooke State Park. It is just about the best thing ever. Ski trails lit up with luminaries. Nothing like being in the dark and seeing this. It's simply magical. There is no other word to describe it. I wiped out pretty good - but it was either that or going off a cliff into the river (in my head at least) and I really want to go to Mexico tomorrow so I opted for the fall. Thank god I didn't break anything. If you EVER get the chance to ski or snowshoe in the woods at night with candles lighting your way.....take it! They even have hot dogs and cider and stuff inside after where you can sit by the fire. Oh and it was perfect outside IN THE FORTIES, no w...

2 Days

Whew - what a week... What I've been dealing with: 1) a cat with diahrhea....okay I can't spell but you all know what I'm talking about. Said cat (Beavis, naturally) is now eating special "bland" food to try to clear up his digestive system. Needless to say - Beavis is HUNGRY all the time. I think he's feeling better now as he must sense we're getting ready to go away and has now started to have bloody poop. Yes, I'm sure you wanted to know that. This is something Beavis gets when he is anxious. It's been tested (many times through his life) and he's fine. It's just nasty. 2) a garage that needs to be re-wired and a wire from the garage to the house that is on the fritz. No big deal except our garage door opener doesn't work (keeps tripping the breaker). Poor Francis has slept outside all week (that's my car). That won't get fixed til after the trip because I really don't have the time or a spare $400 to deal with i...

One Year Later

One Year Later Originally uploaded by carrster . The Boy and I celebrated our 1-year Anniversary on Sunday. I can hardly believe it's already been a year...on the other hand, I can't imagine how I lived before. I love you, Sweetie.

Nothing to Say

I have nothing to say. It's Saturday which is sooooo good. I've slept in late; ate spam & eggs for breakfast; did the dishes; swept & siffered the kitchen floor; knitted; changed the sheets - rotated the mattress; ate a lovely bowl of oreos & Breyer's extra creamy vanilla ice cream; polished silver jewelry and chatted with the Boy's mom. Now - since the Boy's gone to run errands I can work on a little something that I'm making him for our 1-year anniversary - which is tomorrow. :-)

Cancel That

Somehow - my phone today miraculousy recovered! I did nothing. Just left it on all day like usual and flipped it up after work and low and behold - the display is back!! Weird. I'm not complaining. I so didn't want to deal with getting a new phone - I'm just lazy like that I guess. Anyway - another GORGEOUS day here - it totally feels like spring and I'm getting spoiled. :-) I like it. It's Friday - I'm so glad...time to do some knitting (or attempting, at least) and then off to do some movie work. :-)

Hello? Are you there? Heeeelllllllllloooooooooo?

Well, it's official. My cell phone is dead. My cell phone, which I bought in Beverly Hills, CA, which I walked to in dress shoes on a very warm April (or may?) day from work on my lunch hour. Something to break free, be independent and start thinking on my own, acting on my own...yes, a cell phone represents all that. Well, the phone still works I just can't see anything on the display. I cannot tell if I have a message; I cannot tell who I'm calling (except for the 4 speed dials I have memorized), I cannot see if I missed a call - I can see nothing. *sigh* So, I will have to go up to Sprint and get a new one. The cheap - free one (as I'm broke). No fancy camera phone, just a display - but a COLOR display! And downloadable ringtones! whopeee!!! Progress has been made in 4 years. Basically don't expect a phone call from me (unless you're one of the 4 speed dials, and I'm guessing you're not - sorry - considering one is voice...

NOT Lame - ski girl

Well, instead of sloshing it up at the bar...I instead went skiing with the Boy. Lester Park again - beautiful, warm (it was 46 degrees today here down by the lake!)...I thought it would be sticky but the temps had dropped off so things started getting icy. We skied the upper part of the trail (upper to me - there's still more upper that i haven't gotten to yet)...and went on an extra non-lit loop. I decided F-THIS no more wuss...and just did the hills. And I didn't fall. And it wasn't horrible. And I got kisses. :-) (sorry, gag, I know but please, I'm terribly afraid of speed and pain) I did hills on some "more difficult" hills and also some "most difficult" hills. Whoheee! Of course I had to walk myself to the very top and assess the situation, make sure the tracks were decent, etc and then hope and pray and tell myself a thousand times in my head that I needed to "feel the trail, be one with the skis" - and it kinda worked. :-) T...


Man, I am lame. I meanā€¦I try not to be. I try to do some decent things for people; make them laugh, donā€™t flake out, make plans, do things, etc etcā€¦but it never fails. I met someone new, that I clicked with. She was fun to talk to. Smart. Sounds like we have a lot in common. We have (had?) big plans to start a potluck club ā€“ where monthly you eat at someone elses house ā€“ you know ā€“ you eat, drink wine, have intellectual conversations, play gamesā€¦that sort of thing. The. Thing. I. Love. Well, we finally got around to making plans. Happy Hour. Kinda lame ā€“ Happy Hour isnā€™t my ā€˜thingā€™ but what else do you do with someone that you donā€™t know all that well but would like to get to know better? (seriously, any ideas?) Well, I just got the cancellation email. Sheā€™s feeling ā€œqueasyā€ and doesnā€™t think itā€™ll get any betterā€¦so how ā€˜bout this weekend or next week? Why do I feel like a guy whoā€™s just been blown off by a girl. Sheesh. Itā€™s like sheā€™s breaking a date or something. And WHY ...

Senior Year of High School, a Meme

What year was it? 1990-1991 What were your three favorite bands or musical artists? The Beatles, REM, U2, The Replacements What was your favorite outfit? Jeans and...whatever... What was up with your hair? SUPER curly, shoulder-ish length, dishwater blonde Who were your best friends? LAH and JCHJ - one who is still very close, the other who I feel dumped by. Where did you work? Hardee's! Whohooo! What did you do after school? Either tennis, "play practice," some kind of singing rehearsal, golf, or playing trivial pursuit with LAH Did you take the bus? No, LAH had a car and lived a block away from me. And my Mom worked across the street from the high school so I could go with her if I had to. Who did you have a crush on? Hmmm. I had a boyfriend so...I think I was crushing harder on him than he was on me! Did you fight with your parents? Not really - maybe a little here and there but we have always gotten along really well. ...