I'm sitting in the middle of a stressball. Not only am I trying to run a company (something I've never even thought of attempting before), I'm trying to get through production on a micro-budget film acting as the Produer, Editor, Cook, Extras Wrangler, and person-that-tries-to-keep-everyone-else-from-going-insane, I also am pregnant which doesn't add a whole lot of physical stress yet (although in a perfect world I would spend more time relaxing and NOT being stressed out than I currently am) (and the physical stress is to come) but emotionally it knocks me over the edge more often than I'd like to admit. So there's that. There's also the fact that I haven't had a weekend at home since......oh I don't know...May? I mean, I've been home but not really - more like running around and doing the cooking, lugging, hauling, driving, loading, unloading, grocery shopping for 50, setting up, taking down and trying to keep everyone calm stuff. So there...