So far? It's a wash...

Well, my relaxing destressing get-things-done-around-the-house weekend is for shit.

Got up "early" this morning (not as early as we would've liked) as it was supposed to be HOT today (and it is). Our plan to take an "early" morning hike to get that out of the way and feel good about ourselves off the bat. Then come home - Steve would mow before the major heat hit and I would run my pukey errands.

Well, one thing led to another - inviting Steve's Mom & SO, his aunt, etc no one could decide what to do, what time, people were running errands, maybe later? which sucked up a whole bunch of time. We decided to take a bike ride in the Superior Municipal Forest (Superior, WI) instead.

On our way there we stopped by Northwest Outlet as Steve would like me to get a SIGG water bottle instead of the Nalgene that I use now - due to the chick pea. They had some but they were spendy and not cute enough (ha!). Then we started chatting with a worker there - very nice, super knowledgable about back packing, etc and ended up being there for OVER AN HOUR. By This time it is now 11:30am. So much for getting our shit done early.

I forgot to mention that Friday night we were going to have a "quick dinner out" at the Hacienda del Sol (home of THE best margaritas in town for sure)....that turned into meeting his Mom & SO and his brother and 3+ hours later (!!!!) I also didn't get anything accomplished on my "to do" list and went to bed feeling like a big loser.

0 for 2

So, we go for the bike ride which turns out to be not nearly long enough and not NEARLY shady enough (why did they make the pathway so damn wide???). I was sweating like a champ, that's for sure. We got off the trail and tried some gravel roads which stress me out because I'm not all that adept at riding on loose gravel (okay, any non-paved surface, really....) and due to the Chick Pea I'm EXTRA freaked out and nervous. it wasn't that fun. And did I mention it was very sweaty? And then the black flies decided they would like to bombard me?

Back at home I needed some time to cool off in our one air conditioned room. I tried to work on Steve's computer (which I TOTALLY F'ED UP LAST WEEK, BTW - if anyone can help me with a virus (i think) infected PC PLEASE HELP ME because I'm about ready to jump off a building) but that didn't go so great either. I decided I would just disconnect the damn thing and bring it up to the Geek Squad at Best Buy to have them fix it. I called them and discovered it would probably be about $299 to fix (WTF???) and we'd lose everything we didn't have backed up....(um, WHAT?) that started the tears.

Boy oh boy did it ever.

Next step - call the passport office as it's now 2 weeks til we supposedly depart for Sweden and that's when someone will actually talk to you. I jumped through numerous hoops to get to an actual live person (and many minutes later) only to have them tell me "Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line for the next customer service representative." Followed by "We cannot take your call right now, we're too busy, try again later, fuck off." If I was sobbing before, I most definitely was now - which lead me to all the reasons I hate myself and loathe my very existence and can't quite figure out why everything I do sucks and ends in disaster....

Hormones anyone? Lordy I hope so because otherwise I'm just plain INSANE.

So back upstairs to try again to work on Steve's computer and "fix" (hahahahahahaha) it and see if I can start backing things up (if it'll let me....LO AND BEHOLD when I hook it back up - the MOUSE doesn't work any more. I restart and get the same results and by this time I am such a crying, gasping for breath mess that I think I should just curl up and die. I think Steve was REALLLY beginning to wonder about me.

Finally I got my LAPTOP to hook up to the internet to try to get the passport office # (before I hopped around through the Post Office's non-human answering service debacle)....I of course can't get the ROUTER to work but after many times I get the damn thing to work by hooking it directly up to my computer.

Steve calls the passport office and THEY WERE THERE! They took my call and only after 20 minutes on hold. Apparently she was able to pull up my records immediately (I was not on their "self-check" website - whatever). And they DO have it (no shit, they cashed my check on May 21) but they haven't PROCESSED IT yet. She said they have 2 weeks and she'll have someone "work" on it and if I don't hear back by JULY 19 I SHOULD CALL THEM BACK....yes, 2 days before we're *supposed* to leave.

I was again crying.

Steve then suggested Dairy Queen which I agreed was a good idea (he's learning, that one....) :)

After ice cream I ran my errands. A quick stop at the craft store & groceries and then over to Best Buy to buy some updated Virus crap software - whatever it's called....Craft store was good - spent too much but what else is new, grocery store was okay - until MY SHOE BROKE. yes, unwearable, left me dragging one foot through the store. Not only humiliating but damn uncomfortable. If I hadn't already had a major breakdown today I definitely would've had one then.

So, going to Best Buy was out as I couldn't walk so I just went home....

And now I'm home, in the A/C room, typing this and getting ready (?) to go to Steve's Dad's for a bbq which I'm not all that in the mood for. God, I would love a BEER or 5 right now.

We're driving separately so I can be the rude guest and leave early. I need to vegetate and shut my brain off somehow.

So, that's where I stand so far....not so good. Something has got to change soon or I'm really going to snap. *sigh*


Test said…
Yes honey hormones will get the best of you. Crying at sappy commercials that you would have thought cheesy before and generally losing control of your emotions all come with the territory.

I'm sorry things didn't work out for your day of relaxation. Never fear re: leaving your FIL's early. You have to take care of yourself too and if that means going home to get some time to relax and veg - so be it.
Sarita said…
Oh Carrie,
Give yourself a huge break. You really do deserve it. Except, maybe, for the passport thing, it really won't matter in the long run.

Relish the crying fits. they are meant to be a release of stress for you. I'm pretty sure all of those problems would have added up to me crying, preggo or not.
carrster said…
Didn't leave my FIL's early tonight but it turned out okay. A good chance to be away from the disaster zone which is our house (everything from dishes piled high in the sink to an unmowed lawn to a SERIOUSLY fading quickly kitty.

The passport thing still irks me since when I submitted it (after a HUGE runaround at the PO) they told me 4-6 weeks, no problemo. Ha! I will not listen to government officials in the future. (Silly me for doing it in the first place). Hmph.
Test said…
Meant to post that I am sorry to hear about Iko. And don't get me started about red tape with the fed gov't. My job has taught me that 4-6 weeks is closer to 'when we get to it'.

Hang in there!
Molly said…
That passport thing--is why we're not going to Ireland for our honey love moon. We signed up for one and all, but we decided we would go insane waiting for one (though now, we're on a cruise that will end in Canada, and we need our birth certificate OR a passport--how ironic is that?).

Saw the article in the paper--congrats! :)

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