
Showing posts from April, 2012

Happy Birthday, August

Oh August. My sweet child. My short tempered child. My child who adores his sister and loves his alone time with Mama when she's away. My boy who could be outside all hours of the day & night. For whom we are currently fencing in the backyard because he is an escape artist awaiting opportunity. My August. Today is your birthday. Two years old? How can this be? How can it feel like you just arrived and yet feel like I've known you forever? How can time bend and contort in such a way. Years of sleep deprivation? Perhaps. Getting to know your unique personality? Yes. Being so in love with you that I literally could consume your very being? Definitely. You're such a big boy these days. Climbing up the playground structures like they're nothing higher than the couch. Which happens to make me a little nervous. I try to stand back and watch. See how you figure things out, accept help (or not) from your big sister, fall, get up, try again. I try to only step i..., two, three

I'm up & ready to go this morning to take the Civil Servant test for Duluth. It's for a library job that I applied for back in December (they're timely, eh?). The libraries here in Duluth are open a lot more hours this year which is AWESOME which also means they are hiring a bunch of people. I guess the deluge of applicants for both librarians and library techs was overwhelming. So, now it's April. Anyway - I haven't taken a test in about a million years. I hope I remember what to do & act accordingly. In other news, no more news from the festival which makes me think that we are not getting in. I know they notify the ones that get in before they notify the ones that don' the longer the worse off, I guess. Ugh. In other other news - it's August's 2nd birthday today! I hope to have time later to post some cute pics of him recently. He's such a cutie-pie. I could eat him up daily...and I usually do! Okay- better not be late for the...

The Waiting Game

I am waiting to find out if THE LIFE OF RILEY has gotten into a film festival. I have played this game before. Many times. But this just feels right. Maybe it feels right every time. Maybe that's why I am considered an optimist. This time I got an email saying that we made it to the "2nd Round" and that they will be deciding soon. Maybe the reason it didn't work out for me to go to Austin to do a show is because we'll get into this festival & then I'll go to LA for a week. Wouldn't that be fun...? Yes. So waiting. Obsessively checking email as they are past the "notify" date (but they said they would be). Waiting although I know they probably won't have things settled til May 1st. Waiting. Ugh! Waiting!! ( 2 years ago at this time I was waiting for something entirely different!)

Pipe Dreams

Well, my reliving my yesterdays fantasy will remain that. A fantasy. It's just not going to work. Because of money. I cannot give up this job that I've found to chase a silly dream. Ultimately it's not worth it. *sniff* Plus I really don't know how we could've gotten by without my paycheck for the ensuing month anyway. It's still fun to think about. To imagine it. I think I would've really enjoyed taking a break from my normal life for a bit. And yeah, part of me longs to be in the limelight again, I won't lie. On to the next dream...whatever that will be.

A Crazy Idea?

So the other day I was watching THE SOUND OF MUSIC with Dahlia. Dahlia has been really digging it since we went to a production of it back in December here in Duluth. It helped that she knew Captain Von Trapp (& has a huge crush on him, I must add) and one of the nuns. We've been singing along to the music on Pandora & when we saw the DVD at the library on Friday she put back the others she had picked out to get that one. Ahhh, a child after my own heart. And we watched. She did pretty good (although we have yet to get through the end). The movie chokes me up. Quite literally. I am a mess. Mostly because it reminds me of a time when I spent a lot of my time on stage performing. The music is almost too much for me at times & I had to leave the room on more than one occasion so Dahlia wouldn't wonder what was wrong with me. Ha! (I'm sure she wonders sometimes!). I posted a remark on Facebook about it making me melancholy & almost immediately one of my old ...

Not Abanandoned...Just....

Well, due to overwhelming demand (one comment) from  my reader, I just wanted to let you know, this space has not been abandoned. It's just on unofficial hiatus, I guess. I write blog posts by the...uh...tens in my head. None of them seem to make it here. I take photos of things I'm going to blog about. And then don't. I'm just so incredibly busy right now. 100% of the time. I am working 2 jobs from home while watching the munckins (full time, daycare/pre-school ended for us this past week - waaaaaah!). My house is a disaster zone, I'm stressed out by all the piles & piles & piles every day...but hey, right now it's where I'm at (read: I'm trying not to get too stressed out about everything so I'll leave it at that). Potential blog posts coming soon: My Book Club - reviews of the first 6 books Pinterest February/March challenge Yarn! Yarn! Yarn! WTF am I doing with my life? (sorry for the abbreviated swearing, Mom) And others. I...