I should've done this a year ago....

A pandemic game time & conversation (via Zoom) Well, we're about 13 months into this pandemic and I should've been back blogging then. I mean, I was home an awful lot. I could've done it. But I didn't. I wrote in my actual journal but that's a crazy mish-mash of stuff. This would've been fun to keep just pandemic stuff. Ah well, live and learn. I'll be ready for the next one (no, no, I won't). It's been a year...a year of ups and downs; of being laid off and re-hired; of wondering what to do with my life and starting grad school. We got fish, we got two kittens. What a year. Kids have mostly been troopers but there have been some tough days. August went back to hybrid last fall, then everything stopped for a while and went back to 5 days a week in February - hooray! Dahlia finally got to start hybrid in.....February? (I can't remember) and then started back in person 4 days a week...but after her first 4 days she was identified as a "...