Whole30 - Day 1

I thought since I'm trying this Whole30 thing, and I REALLY want to commit to it...I am going to start blogging about it. I am nervous & excited. I have never stuck with anything for 30 days...I don't know why this time is any different, but I need to reset my body. I've had terrible tummy troubles lately and really throughout different periods of my life. I have bad habits. I love cheese. I just want to reset things.

I'm not saying I'm never going to get another slice of cheese or bowl of yogurt or rice or pasta or drink another diet coke...but I *do* want to give this a fair shake.

So - Day 1

Over the weekend I did a fair amount of research on the Whole30, read the rules, made lists, pinned a bunch of recipes to my Whole30 board and yesterday I set off to the grocery store to stock up. Boy did I stock up! Our fridge is packed with fresh veggies, fruits & lean meats. The pantry is stocked with crushed tomatoes, canned pumpkin and Larabars. 

Today was a bit different because Dahlia & I were both feeling under the weather this morning. I had a TERRIBLE allergy attack (hmmmm, will these get better on Whole30??) while AT the grocery store and was sinus-y, dizzy, sore, sweaty - blech, it was super fun. Dahlia's stomach was hurting & she threw up in the night. Lack of sleep and all that sneezing left me in a bad state this AM. So we stayed home to rest & feel better.

During the late morning, Dahlia came to me & asked if we could make egg fritattas. I love this kid! I said yes of course. We used the recipe she got from a cooking class she took last spring at the Co-Op. We opted for sausage & bacon (hers only) and I did onions, red & orange peppers & spinach in mine. No cheese! Amazing! I made about 18 of them so I'll be able to grab them all week. They were yummy.

Snack time was harder. I was going to indulge in the almond butter I bought but realized at the last second that it has SUGAR in it. Grrrrrr. I guess I didn't read the label good enough on that one. I was going to eat it anyway but my Whole30 Buddy, Amie, scream texted "DON'T!" and I reluctantly put it back. I'll eat it in a month I guess. So instead I had regular almonds & an apple.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon (after napping) making Ghee! Ghee is a type of clarified butter. Often used in Indian cooking. I followed instructions for using my InstantPot. Boy the house smells really good when you're just melting 1 1/2 lbs of butter. Later it was a bit putsy, but it is delicious! I think I will really enjoy being able to have a little "butter" now & then. Ghee is Whole30 approved because the milk proteins are removed from the butter.

When August got home from school, we worked on making apple cider.  Our neighbor Jim brought hims some apples from their tree a few days ago and he's been really wanting to make cider. We had a sample recently at the Harvest Fest at their school and he's been wanting some ever since. So we sat & peeled apples and chatted. It was very nice. We found one worm. Ick! I put the apples in the crock pot, threw in some OJ, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves (both whole & ground) and started it up. Seriously - between the melted butter and the apples/cinnamon my house smelled AMAZING. 

August kept popping outside so he could come back in and smell the delicious fragrance "fresh" again. I pretty much figured it wouldn't really work as we don't have a press, but we gave it a shot. When we strained it it really just looked like apple sauce. So we tasted it (delicious) and then used the immersion blender to smooth it out a bit. Yum!

Tonight for dinner I made sausage stuffed squash - so delicious. The filling consists of sausage, onion, celery (me? eating celery? what?) and apples. The recipe calls for Panko & cheese but I left those out as I'm being a good girl. It was very very very good. I will make it again but will add roasted pine nuts at the end. Mmmmmmm. I had some green beans too because I wanted to try the ghee on them. Delish!

So that was day 1. I didn't cheat. In fact when prepping some noodles for August, I put some in my mouth out of habit and then spit them right back out! I'm a dork. But I didn't cheat. Sparkling water is helping my Diet Coke craving but luckily I didn't get a headache today from lack of caffeine. Whew.

I have my lunch prepped for tomorrow, my egg fritattas for breakfast, some snacks and a delicious dinner planned for tomorrow night.

Wish me luck!


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