Penguin Shenanigans
I printed out real-to-life sized photographs of Emperor, a Fairy, a Chinstrap and a Galapagos Penguin to be exact. I put them on the walls in one area. My hope was that kids would stand next to them and measure up - and they sure did! It put a smile on my face every time.
Above each penguin I included some facts. Usually where they lived, what they ate and any quirky stuff about them. It's always great to be able to provide a little learning opportunity along the way.
We also included penguin voting. I always think it's fun to add a pre-math activity when I can. I made 4 buckets with a photo of each of the aforementioned penguins. Kids (& adults) were able to ask for a "voting token" (ie: a saved bottle cap) at the desk and then put it in the bucket of their choice. It was fun hearing the conversations about which penguin was winning, which one they voted for and the urging of their friends or siblings to vote the same as them! The winner was the FAIRY PENGUIN. That's why he has a crown. Followed by the Emperor, Chinstrap and Galapagos.

One last activity we did was have cut out penguins available to put their name on at the desk. They could write their names on the tummies or draw a picture and hang it up to join our "Penguin Parade." It turned out really cute and the kids just love having something like that to do! (markers! stickers! wheee!)