
Showing posts from October, 2014

Walking to Work

 What a beautiful fall day to be walking to work. *sigh*


I slept in. I could end the post there. But I won't. Steve & I went for a hike. The two of us. At a brisk pace. Neither one of us whined, cried or threw a fit. It was quite wonderful. We glittered up leaves that we collected & pressed the week before. I love doing such messy crafts with the kiddos outside. Our garbage can is full of lots of sparkles this week!  And we took in the view from Hawk Ridge (see new banner pic). The sun was starting it's dip into evening so the colors under the canopy were not as bright as they would've been earlier in the day, but that's okay. It was still lovely.


 To begin the day - some whole wheat (I totally cheated on the gluten-free thing) Mickey Mouse waffles with the best maple syrup every. My co-worker's father-in-law makes it. Yum. (the kids, ridiculously, prefer "Log Cabin." gah) Then Dahlia starts "organizing." I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her "progress." We were able to recycle quite a few things though, thankfully. There was some screen time - GoNoodle. It's an interactive "brain break" website that the kids use at school. Dahlia loves it & it gets them both up & dancing. Pretty cute.  Later (after the whining, lordy!) we went outside & jumped in leaves. Ahhhhh, fall.... I may or may not have had a glass of wine & continued reading my book while the leaf-jumping was happening.... August moved into his Booster seat. He was pretty proud. I believe his words were, "I'm special." Indeed you are, kiddo. Th...

Back in the Saddle's been almost a year and that is quite frankly, just kind of sad. SO....I'm going to *try* to get back into the blogging thing. A lot has happened since last time I posted (vacations, ceiling collapses, children 'graduating' from Kindergarten and becoming "big kids;" being back on stage in one of my bucket list shows; starting my own business ( Norwex !); having a home invasion (not cool), serving on a jury for a criminal case & I'm going to be blogging about a new project coming up! I'm so excited! I've adjusted the settings back to public as I feel like I missed the random connections & chance meetings (Hello Donna, Kelli, Katy, Mindy, etc...) of people that I truly dig. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm excited to try to find time to again find my "voice" a bit in the chaos, as well as *maybe* not post so much on FaceBook (although that always seems difficult for me - it's so fast! and easy! and blah blah...