Gardening & Bubbles

It was so beautiful yesterday.
We spent a couple hours out in the front yard, soaking up the sun & weeding the flower beds.The kids loved it. August 'shared' his new gardening tools with his sister & they both dug in the dirt (& um, one of them ate some dirt....)

It was also a fun day for bubbles as the wind picked up in the afternoon. Again August shared his new birthday bubbles with his big sister & they flew all over the yard, across the street, into the sky.It was a glorious, beautiful day.
I am so looking forward to more like it.
Sadly today is overcast & rain is threatening so...our plans of planting flowers may have to be on hold.
Mostly I'm excited that this summer both kids will be old enough to really enjoy being outside.
And because August is so close to walking, his poor little knees won't take such a beating.
Regardless, this summer promises to hold more fun that last summer - the summer of no sleep & a colicky baby. Bring it on!!

Oh and we have to get more bubbles. Even after repeated "please be careful" comments to Dahlia she managed to tip them over & spill them on the sidewalk. Which brought many tears and "I'm so sorry's" Poor kid. But dang, those were "good" bubbles. There is a little left...we'll save them for another sunny day!


Unknown said…
What a joy to see those lovely pictures. Thanks

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