What I think about Tea

Well....not much. I've tried for years to like tea. I may have been turned off in my early years by accidentally taking a sip of what I thought was my Mom's "Tab" when in reality it was iced tea. *shudder* nothing like getting a mouth full of non-carbonated, bland, unsweet TEA when you're expecting something sweet, bubbly & delicious. (yes, I just called Tab delicious...it might have been Diet Coke...I don't really remember).

I'm not even TRYING to like iced tea. *gag* but I would like to enjoy the world of hot tea. There are so many fantastic (sounding) varieties out there. It would be nice on a cold morning to have a cup of tea. Sometimes tea smells good. I would like to find a caffeine replacement that doesn't contain aspartame (ie: Diet Coke....).

So I tried again last week. I made a cup of...I dont' even know what kind. It smelled awesome. The water in the kettle started boiling. The kids were napping. I even got out a tea cup & saucer. I was READY to enjoy.


all it tasted like was hot water with a nice fragrance. Yuck. I drank the whole cup. I tried. I really tried. I added some sugar which helped a little bit....but....it was a failure.

Maybe I'll try coffee next. Ugh.


feisty said…
try coffee, with either splenda or stevia, and add a crap-ton of MILK!
Sarita said…
I feel the same way about tea. I don't know if it is my taste buds getting old, or what, but I've learned to enjoy the aroma while drinking the water flavored hotness.
Unknown said…
I had to go back to your profile and make sure where you are from and that answered my question. If you were from my neck of the wood you would be an iced tea person. I would suggest coffee with one of the flavored creamers.
Nanette said…
I like tea, but only with lots of milk and sugar.
Meigan said…
*grin* reading this with a steaming cup of madagascar vanilla tea in my hands. It's my diet food.
fruey said…
You need to go to England to learn about tea appreciation :)

Assam is a good start, let it steep (brew) for five minutes. Make sure the water is boiling when you pour it over the tea bag.

Add milk and sugar to taste.
michelle said…
chris and i were discussing this today.

i tend to add so much sugar to tea that i wonder what the point is - basically hot sugar water at that point.

i do like earl grey. with sugar of course!

and yes - all the different kinds of tea sound so darn good but i just can't do it.
You should try Good Earth original tea....I love that kind. (And I don't usually care for tea either....except for that kind.) Miss not having you guys in our ECFE class! Hope things are going well!
DD4 said…
I'm almost 110 years old, and I don't like tea (hot or iced) or coffee. They taste nothing like they smell. Two hot beverages I have enjoyed over the years are cocoa and hot Tang. I'm not sure if they make Tang any longer, however.
MamaD4 said…
Chai tea is fantastic, but you have to add a bunch of milk and Splenda. I like cold Lipton green tea with mango/citrus flavor. You can get diet that has no calories.
Peder said…
Have you tried Coke Zero?
Raesha D said…
I love tea!! I only drink herbal tea and I've dried so many different kinds - some are good, some are not so good:) I've learned that you have to brew it for just the time it says - if you brew it too long it doesn't make the taste stronger - it makes it yucky. You could try adding more tea or tea bags to get a stronger flavor.

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