Underwater Adventures

Last Sunday when we were in the Cities, we decided to take on Underwater Adventures. We went with my parents, the Johnson 5 (minus my sister) & my sister-in-law Allison & her son Anders. It was SO COOL! I had never been there before & had a great time! I've often heard Peder & Sarah talk about it so was anxious to check it out. The weather was crappy outside so it was perfect to enter the darkness & see all the cool creatures living underwater. I loved the "tunnel." What a great concept! It was amazing how up close & personal you could be with fish, sharks (oh my - the teeth!), huge HUGE turtles, etc. I loved the atmospheric music. I could've stayed there for hours, meditating. The sea horses were also VERY cool. They're so cute. Dahlia really liked them. August loved seeing everything overhead in his car seat. Pefect! We went through at the beginning of the day & at the end of the day (what a great concept!) & of course Dahlia ha...