A more productive day...

Today we:

Built many castles, houses, dog houses, garages; had numerous birthday parties, slid down slides & ran in & out of the rain - all with Dahlia's little people - all by 8am.

Colored many a picture in the new Princess color book & the Dora color book.

Dug out lots of tiny pink newborn clothes that I am now going to put in the "giveaway" or "sell" pile in the basement. August is clearly a boy & I'm not going to get away with dressing him in purple cupcake onesies as much as I might like. It makes me a little bit sad....but it is time...*sniff*

Fed & pumped - numerous times.

Went for a walk to the playground. It's only 4 blocks down & 3 over but coming back UP the hill pushing the double stroller qualifies as my workout for today.

Ate lunch & executed a perfect "it's now nap time" "No, REST time, Mama" "Okay, rest time."

Read approximatelly 1 1/2 pages in my book.

Called the bank to inquire about a Fix Up Fund loan for NEW WINDOWS which we are in desperate need of (& we'd like to take advantage of that $1500 tax rebate offered in 2010)

Called Home Depot to inquire about custom fauxwood blinds for our kitchen. They beat Penneys killer price of $128 so now I'm thinking we'll go with Home Depot.

Started balancing my checkbook/paying bills (I'm stalling on that by updating my blog right now).


Two loads of laundry, one load of dishes & an empty dishwasher.

Scooped 3 litter boxes (yes, we have 3 - the vet recommended one per cat + one extra. It's loads of fun....)

I feel so much better when I get a *few* things done.


Unknown said…
You and my wife seem to have pretty much the same heavy schedule. Her's is after working a full day at the office and then coming home to household chores. I do most of the cooking and help otherwise but she goes at it with more energy than I seem to have after a hectic day at the office. TGIF
Kate said…
I love the little people. And you were BUSY!
feisty said…
home depot also has blinds online, and we've always gotten free shipping. we found cheaper blinds on home depot's website than in the store before!

i wish part of the stimulus could've helped people retrofit with no-interest loans (windows, roofs, insulation, etc) instead of building/maintaining roads and bridges.

PS your kids are so lucky to have you as a mom.

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