Dahlia has been CRANKY today. Wow. Crabby. Tired, Whiny whiny whiny. It's been driving us nuts! We thought it was probably the aftereffects of the Triplets' Third Birthday Party (I know! Can you believe they're 3??). We had a busy day of traveling down to St. Paul & back yesterday...filled with trains, cake, presents, playing with grandparents & cousins, etc. Dahlia slept pretty good in the car & slept til 8:30 this morning, but still we thought it was just lingering tiredness from yesterday. But oh the whining continued. Even after a nap. And a snack. And she didn't want to stay with us outside once it cleared up & got gorgeous out. Oh no. She was determined (& more whiny) to go inside. We were determined to keep her OUTSIDE. Finally Steve gave in & they came in. I was holding her a while ago and realized, DANG she's hot. And yup, she's got a wee fever. Nothing too major but that plus her tiredness/crankiness....perhaps she has a bug. So...