The Story of August's Arrival
Last Monday we checked into the hospital at about 6pm. Arrived at the ER (which feels weird) & they wheeled me right up. Funny - with Dahlia I walked up myself while in active labor - no one gave me a second glance. This time, nothing happening & we get the special treatment. Weird.
Got to our room, I donned my beautiful gown & we waited. We chatted, took some video, waited, wondered, Steve went to get dinner, I was very hungry (they wouldn't let me eat...yet), etc. There was a near full moon & the maternity floor was BUSY! 6 admissions that night which is a lot for them.
Finally at 10pm the Resident came in to chat & check on me. He was nice & apologetic for it taking so long. Still we waited.
At l1pm they came in & gave me the Cytotec. A small pill that they put on the cervix to soften it. I asked numerous times if this could jump start labor (asked my doc earlier that day too)...they said...unlikely. Very rare.
I was at MAYBE 2.5cm & -2, I don't even remember how much effaced....10% Not much. It wasn't looking promising.
At about 11:30 they told Steve he might as go home & get a good night's sleep & I should sleep too - did I want a sleeping pill? I declined, Steve went home & we were prepared for the pitocin at 7am.
At about 1am I felt a POP. Literally. Hmmm....and then gush. Yup. My water broke. I called the nurse in & she helped me out & started getting things set up. The doc came in & checked again and I was only at 3cm or so. He was pretty sure that we'd do another dose of Cytotec around 3am.
I was having contractions all along & they were starting to get stronger. Nothing real painful, just more intense. I could watch them on the monitor & was happy to see them come & go. I could hear the baby's heartbeat & movements all along too. He was really wiggly!
Around 3am they checked me again and I was at 4cm or so. So, making progress, no 2nd dose of Cytotec needed & they'd probably do the pitocin at 5am instead of 7am.
By 3:30am the contractions were REALLY ramping up. Time for me to start breathing & using the meditation/relaxation techniques that I had been reading up on. My goal was to do the delivery drug free...with an open mind, of course. I felt like I wimped out with Dahlia - yeah, I delivered her drug free but I caved & asked for drugs...there just wasn't time for them. So, I wanted to see if I could do it this time. My nurse kept telling me I must have a high pain tolerance. I think I'm sort of a wimp because the thought of an epidural in my spine makes me just about freak out!
3:30 was also when I decided I should probably call Steve. I would've really hated for things to happen too fast & for me to NOT to be able to call him...especially since he was only 10 minutes away. He was sleepy & didn't sound too thrilled to be woken up but was there by 3:45 or so.
From then until about 5 the contractions were INTENSE. Yeah. That's the word. I was laboring on my side & that dang cervix just wasn't moving (on one side). I was grabbing the bed rails so hard that my entire back/sides were sore the next day. I kept breathing & blowing away the contractions & not even moaning/groaning as much as with Dahlia. For some reason (this is not something I thought about before I started these intense contractions), I would call upon all the women I knew that had had babies before me during each contraction. Where did that come from? I have no idea, but it was amazing & it really helped. During the worst of each one I would picture my Mother, my Grandmothers, my Mother-in-Law; my sister, my sister-in-law, my cousins, friends, and ALL the women who had ever delivered a child before me. I felt like I was calling on the Universe to give me strength. That & a few prayers to God (I will admit) (can you pray to God & Luna at the same time? apparently you can!) and it worked! I felt this amazing energy & strength. I have no idea where it came from.
at about 5am I heard our (totally incredibly awesome) labor nurse go out in the hallway & tell the docs out there that I was at 10 and ready. I was thinking 'Hallelujah!' now it's time for the pushing. I can handle the pushing. (breathing through the contractions...ay yi yi)....They came in & we started. It was tough. Steve thought the blood vessels were going to pop out of my forehead, but with his help & Char (our awesome nurse) I pushed for 19 minutes and then there he was!
All slippery & slimy, right in front of me....there he was. It seemed like an eternity before they said 'IT'S A BOY!' Steve had tears in his eyes as they laid him on my chest. What a perfect human being. What a beautiful beautiful boy. Steve cut the cord & took lots of photos while he was being weighed, measured, dried off, swaddled etc. (I won't go into details as to what I was doing at that time...that part, not so pretty....).
All in all it was another amazing experience. 4 1/2 hours from water breaking to his arrival; we were already at the hospital so we didn't have to rush to get there or deal with a, um, mess at home; he came before I was induced which I am every so grateful for...and he's perfect.
I cannot believe it's been a week. I am feeling okay - a little, uh, sore in places, obviously a little tired but I feel pretty darn good. The weepies haven't been *too* bad but I know they could be lurking around the corner. I'm breastfeeding successfully (I think!) so far - (he lost 8% of his weight, down to 7lbs 1oz) by Friday - but that is acceptable) & he's only had a few ounces of supplement (when he forgets how to latch or just won't take the breast).
Dahlia's been an amazing BIG SISTER. She thinks he is SO cute; wants to hug & kiss & just "see" him all the time. She asks about him every morning, wants to give him toys & his nuk - it's amazing. (I hope it lasts!)
And August is pretty dang mellow. He will just hang out, be wide awake & looking around or napping when he's not eating. His cord fell off yesterday (6 days - average is 10 days) which freaked me out but the nurse assured me it's okay - just keep in eye on it. He's SUPER super snuggly & his cry is teeny tiny. He's a very sweet boy.
So...there you have it! If you want any more of the gory details, you'll have to ask me I guess.
Got to our room, I donned my beautiful gown & we waited. We chatted, took some video, waited, wondered, Steve went to get dinner, I was very hungry (they wouldn't let me eat...yet), etc. There was a near full moon & the maternity floor was BUSY! 6 admissions that night which is a lot for them.
Finally at 10pm the Resident came in to chat & check on me. He was nice & apologetic for it taking so long. Still we waited.
At l1pm they came in & gave me the Cytotec. A small pill that they put on the cervix to soften it. I asked numerous times if this could jump start labor (asked my doc earlier that day too)...they said...unlikely. Very rare.
I was at MAYBE 2.5cm & -2, I don't even remember how much effaced....10% Not much. It wasn't looking promising.
At about 11:30 they told Steve he might as go home & get a good night's sleep & I should sleep too - did I want a sleeping pill? I declined, Steve went home & we were prepared for the pitocin at 7am.
At about 1am I felt a POP. Literally. Hmmm....and then gush. Yup. My water broke. I called the nurse in & she helped me out & started getting things set up. The doc came in & checked again and I was only at 3cm or so. He was pretty sure that we'd do another dose of Cytotec around 3am.
I was having contractions all along & they were starting to get stronger. Nothing real painful, just more intense. I could watch them on the monitor & was happy to see them come & go. I could hear the baby's heartbeat & movements all along too. He was really wiggly!
Around 3am they checked me again and I was at 4cm or so. So, making progress, no 2nd dose of Cytotec needed & they'd probably do the pitocin at 5am instead of 7am.
By 3:30am the contractions were REALLY ramping up. Time for me to start breathing & using the meditation/relaxation techniques that I had been reading up on. My goal was to do the delivery drug free...with an open mind, of course. I felt like I wimped out with Dahlia - yeah, I delivered her drug free but I caved & asked for drugs...there just wasn't time for them. So, I wanted to see if I could do it this time. My nurse kept telling me I must have a high pain tolerance. I think I'm sort of a wimp because the thought of an epidural in my spine makes me just about freak out!
3:30 was also when I decided I should probably call Steve. I would've really hated for things to happen too fast & for me to NOT to be able to call him...especially since he was only 10 minutes away. He was sleepy & didn't sound too thrilled to be woken up but was there by 3:45 or so.
From then until about 5 the contractions were INTENSE. Yeah. That's the word. I was laboring on my side & that dang cervix just wasn't moving (on one side). I was grabbing the bed rails so hard that my entire back/sides were sore the next day. I kept breathing & blowing away the contractions & not even moaning/groaning as much as with Dahlia. For some reason (this is not something I thought about before I started these intense contractions), I would call upon all the women I knew that had had babies before me during each contraction. Where did that come from? I have no idea, but it was amazing & it really helped. During the worst of each one I would picture my Mother, my Grandmothers, my Mother-in-Law; my sister, my sister-in-law, my cousins, friends, and ALL the women who had ever delivered a child before me. I felt like I was calling on the Universe to give me strength. That & a few prayers to God (I will admit) (can you pray to God & Luna at the same time? apparently you can!) and it worked! I felt this amazing energy & strength. I have no idea where it came from.
at about 5am I heard our (totally incredibly awesome) labor nurse go out in the hallway & tell the docs out there that I was at 10 and ready. I was thinking 'Hallelujah!' now it's time for the pushing. I can handle the pushing. (breathing through the contractions...ay yi yi)....They came in & we started. It was tough. Steve thought the blood vessels were going to pop out of my forehead, but with his help & Char (our awesome nurse) I pushed for 19 minutes and then there he was!
All slippery & slimy, right in front of me....there he was. It seemed like an eternity before they said 'IT'S A BOY!' Steve had tears in his eyes as they laid him on my chest. What a perfect human being. What a beautiful beautiful boy. Steve cut the cord & took lots of photos while he was being weighed, measured, dried off, swaddled etc. (I won't go into details as to what I was doing at that time...that part, not so pretty....).
All in all it was another amazing experience. 4 1/2 hours from water breaking to his arrival; we were already at the hospital so we didn't have to rush to get there or deal with a, um, mess at home; he came before I was induced which I am every so grateful for...and he's perfect.
I cannot believe it's been a week. I am feeling okay - a little, uh, sore in places, obviously a little tired but I feel pretty darn good. The weepies haven't been *too* bad but I know they could be lurking around the corner. I'm breastfeeding successfully (I think!) so far - (he lost 8% of his weight, down to 7lbs 1oz) by Friday - but that is acceptable) & he's only had a few ounces of supplement (when he forgets how to latch or just won't take the breast).
Dahlia's been an amazing BIG SISTER. She thinks he is SO cute; wants to hug & kiss & just "see" him all the time. She asks about him every morning, wants to give him toys & his nuk - it's amazing. (I hope it lasts!)
And August is pretty dang mellow. He will just hang out, be wide awake & looking around or napping when he's not eating. His cord fell off yesterday (6 days - average is 10 days) which freaked me out but the nurse assured me it's okay - just keep in eye on it. He's SUPER super snuggly & his cry is teeny tiny. He's a very sweet boy.
So...there you have it! If you want any more of the gory details, you'll have to ask me I guess.

Sending you all big hugs and kisses!
He's beautiful.
I loved reading your story. I'm happy the breastfeeding is going better for you this time around. I am just glad beyond words that August is here and all is well.
Talk to you soon, darlin'.
He's beautiful and I am so happy for your little family. Sounds like you are enjoying which is teh way it should be.
Would love to meet the little guy - we are going to be in MN in early July. Thinking of you all!