I'm spoiled!

I've been blessed with some awesome friends & family lately -helping out with the new wee on + toddler; bestowing upon us awesome gifts (for both!); loading us up with borrowed boy clothes & hand me downs which are ridiculously appreciated & of course lots of fabulous comments, texts & chats about how adorable my offspring are. :)

My friend Julie visited the other day - she is an expert baby snuggler as evidenced by the fact that August slept for nearly 3 hours in her arms! She also was gracious enough to stay while I went through the ungodly naptime routine with Miss Dahlia which was a hUGE help. AND the week before she loaded me up with clothes for both kids from her garage sale! THANK YOU!

And she brought us gifts....

August got some super-soft bamboo washcloths & a maple teether; Dahlia got a hexagon ball & I got snacks! Whohooo! Kashi cookies & cereal bars, almonds, tea, jolly ranchers, trail mix & dried fruit. Thank you SO MUCH Julie. Julie came through last time with Dahlia too - spoiling me & my nursing-time snack habits.

My Mom also put together an awesome "care-package" for me after August was born...

I'm a sucker for gifts like this - love to give 'em & love to get 'em (I admit!) so both of these really made my day!!


juliemac_29 said…
You're not spoiled, you're awesome and deserve all those gifts and more! :)
Kate said…
Wahoo! Unexpected gifts from the goddesses in your life! Soak it up!

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