
Well, we were told last night that we are officially getting booted from our office at the end of June. I figured this was coming. What good are we if we're not even being supported by the "home office" any more AND we continue to take up valuable real estate? I, of course, have mixed emotions. I mean, I'm sad to see this thing come to an end so abruptly; I'm worried about finishing RILEY & losing our "legitimacy" (having an office for meetings, mail, etc) while trying to sell a film; and well, it just being the end. Of course at the same time I know that it's time to move on. To what, I have no idea. (that's the scary part).

We were also told that now we *might not* receive our last two months of funding! Um....WHAT? We need that $$ to get through the final phases of post-production & launch RILEY to the world. I also need to give Dahlia's daycare a 30-day notice so, I'd like a 30-day notice before I lose my income.


There are so many loose ends to be tied up as well - stopping & ending things (like insurance, HSA's, tax payments, all sorts of legal stuff). And what do we "own" - who will "keep" the inventory of DVDs, cds, promo items, files, blah blah blah. And WHERE will they be?

This would be a good time for Mary Poppins to arrive & just sort it all out for me because quite frankly I haven't got the energy to deal with it!


Kate said…
Ugh. This is not good timing AT ALL. I say, make your partners figure it out. But that's easier said than done, no? Sigh. Hang in there.
MamaD4 said…
I too am sorry that this had to happen to you right now...! I hope that things start looking up very soon. Stay naturally optimistic!

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