Blanket Progress

The baby blanket continues. I thought I had finished all the squares, and I did but realized after looking at them more closely that one of the multi-colored squares is too short. It's supposed to be 36 rows long, & 30 rows wide but I did it 30 x 30. Whoops. No big deal, I'll re-do another one & have a spare "wash cloth" I guess. Now I have to try to figure out how to get them stitched together properly & crochet a border (hi Michelle!). Maybe if I finish this blanket, the baby will come! I should start knitting right now....


Kate said…
Love the bright colors, but love Dahlia's hair even more!
Michelle said…
You have another Michelle, right? I know nothing about crochet and my seaming sort of sucks. 8-)
DD4 said…
Wow! What beautiful colors! It looks like you are an amazing knitter. I look forward to seeing the finished blanket.

I've been praying for a safe delivery for you and your new baby.
Kathy said…
Wow! Looks great!

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