Under 50

According to Sarah's pregnancy counter (why have my own, when I can check my pregnancy twin's on a daily basis??) there are less than 50 days til my (our) due date! Eeeeek.

For some reason (past experience?) I'm certain this baby will come early (will I eat my words? We'll see...) and my estimate for a really silly reason, is April 11...

You see Dahlia was born on my Grandpa B's 86th (I think...right Mom?) birthday. December 14th. My Grandma's birthday is April 11. Wouldn't it be fitting if Baby B #2 was born on her birthday? That would also coincide with being "early" (37 weeks) although not *quite* as early as Dahlia (36 weeks).

So I'm trying to get everything done as I feel like time is slipping away. We have to finish the sound design for RILEY, re-shoot a major scene, get the color correction happening & of course all the last minute at home preparations.

Wow. It's going to happen soon, isn't it?!?!



Kate said…
Soon, soon, soon!
Sarita said…
Sigh. And because of my experience, I'm ready for Baby XY to be late late late. Though since I now know I tend to ovulate late in my cycle, I think we were off on our conception date with Relia. She could have been right on time.

I hope your feeling comes true. It really sucks mentally when you expect early and get extra late.

PS -My word verification is "spillyma". It's fun to say, so I thought I'd share.
feisty said…
if you think he/she will be early, he/she will probably be late? although, with D it happened so early and so quick, it is hard to imagine baby #2 waiting around...
Cellomama said…
I don't know if I told you this, but I have another friend who is due on May 1st, which is also Pete's sister's wedding day. There must be something really cosmically charged about May 1st this year!

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