GTT: Fail

As I expected, I failed the one-hour glucose test (again). I mean I REALLY failed it. So, on to the 3-hour test next week. I don't hold out much hope.

Time to start breaking out all the veggies, nuts & meat. Whohooo! Just what I'm craving.


Kate said…
I'm sorry. You made it through the holidays, though. Yeah for that! Maybe I should be on the same diet you are. Hand it over!
juliemac_29 said…
Rats. Did they make you do it fasting? If so, research is showing that to be throwing some false "fails" for the 1 hour. I hope you pass the 3 hour!!
carrster said…
No, it wasn't fasting. I even ate a low-carb breakfast & lunch and I didn't pass by a LONG shot. Ah well. c'est la vie. I've been through this before.

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