Let's hope for a less tantrum-filled day tomorrow

Tantrum #1 came when I started getting Dahlia ready for a bath this morning. We usually do baths at nighttime, but I had some plans this evening (that ended up changing...) so I wanted to give her a bath this morning. Well, she wasn't too into that idea and threw a HOLY fit. Wow. WOW. Screaming, crying, thrashing, arching of the back, down on the floor, etc. Getting her into the bathtub was super fun. Then by that point I wasn't giving up so KEEPING her in the bathtub also super fun. Especially once she was all wet & soapy & slippery. By time we got to the hair rinsing part she had calmed a bit but it was truly one of the least fun bathtimes we've had. Ugh.

Tantrum #2 came when we were at my office & it was time to leave. It was terribly close to naptime & I really wanted to get her home before she fell asleep (we made it to the garage and THEN she was falling asleep. Ah well, she did nap for 2 hours - thank god). At the office she was a peach, until I said it was time to go and then more stereotypical toddler tantrum behavior. Screaming & carrying on, throwing herself on the floor, wouldn't stand or sit so I could get her jacket or hat on. It was awesome. I'm sure everyone in the building heard it & probably thought I was torturing a child. Yikes. Once we got to the elevator she was fine.

Tantrum #3 came after dinner when I was still eating - she didn't touch a bite. Awesome. She wanted out of her high chair, & I obliged in hopes of avoiding another tantrum. No such luck. She got REALLY mad at me because I was "still" eating. She kept pulling on me & I kept telling her that I wasn't done yet & she had to wait for me. That, along with me not giving in to let her watch "Monsters, Monsters" (ie: Monsters, Inc) prompted more screaming, gnashing of teeth, wailing, banging the wall, etc. Lovely. I let her be & finished eating. She was done ranting within probably 5 minutes and then was fine! Great mood!

and finally (I hope!) Tantrum #4 came when we took her upstairs for bed. NOT INTERESTED. More screaming & crying, thrashing about, not wanting PJs on, etc. Finally, when her arm got stuck with her pacifier (yes, we're trying to quit that...don't judge) in the sleeve of her PJs it became funny & she started laughing. Whew. Steve looked at me & said "I haven't heard her scream like that since she was a tiny baby." Yeah, no kidding! I couldn't believe I got to hear it 4 times today!

SO - we're hoping for a good night's sleep & a tantrum free day tomorrow. Otherwise there may be a really cute toddler for sale on Craigslist by day's end.


Kate said…
Oh my! It has begun!
Josiah said…
I'm sorry...I know how frustrating that is, definitely. Tantrums from Annika are still forthcoming and are much worse than any her brother had.

And I know how awful it feels when they do it in public. Hang in there, try to keep calm in the face of the storm!
Josiah said…
Oops, that's MamaD4 signed in on Josiah's blog...

Though he probably could comment almost as succinctly!
Meigan said…
I saw a few pregnant moms wrestling with screaming 2-year-olds who had thrown themselves flat out on the cement in the middle of busy walking paths at Disney.

My advice? Wait until they're at least 5 to take them to Disney! Tantrums suck.
Peder said…
Carrie, I so feel your pain on this one. So frustrating...

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