11. Last Bike Ride of the Season

On Saturday, it was gorgeous, so we took a lovely bike ride from Leif Ericksson park to 47th Ave E. (that's about 3 miles or so). We got to check out the new part of the Lake Walk which was opened this summer. It is so much fun to ride along. I hate riding my bike in traffic and I like it even less when we're towing a baby! It makes me nervous. But being on a bike path rocks.

Dahlia was whiny about having to wear a helmet but once we started going she calmed down...and then took a lovely nap. We promised we'd go to the beach (to which she replied "Yay!") so on the way back we stopped on a rocky shore and she played & played with "a-bubba" (I don't know why she says that when she throws rocks). It was gorgeous, warm, sunny, the lake was brilliant blue. I felt really lucky to take advantage of such a great day.


michelle said…
love to top pictures of you and dahlia (and the one of just you) - you look fantastic! :)

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