Happy Spring

This was the sight on Monday morning - rain & ice and more rain & ice and yet MORE rain & ice.

We have a small (large?) pond by our backdoor. The sump pump (portable, borrowed) was running like crazy trying to keep water from spilling in through our backdoor! Not much we can do about the leakage into the basement for now but at least we're not floating yet!!

More....to come...


michelle said…
craziness. but beautiful pictures :)

no ice down here but it's still insanely windy from time to time....
Cellomama said…
I'm so sorry to hear about the basement leakage and the pond on your doorstep...

but WOW - GREAT pictures!!
carrster said…
It was only icy the first day - now it's just WET and soggy. Sheesh! And more rain today. Ay yi yi.
Kate said…
Um. Is it bad to say that I wish it was snowing here?

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