Recovery...of sorts...

I've been out of the blogging loop this week. I could say I was saving all my "good" ideas for next week when we start NaBloPoMo but that would be lying. I'm recovering from a long weekend of shooting overnight in the rain and cold, finishing up my cold, drinking too much wine on Sunday night and moving - yes, I'm still recovering from moving.

Soon i will be back...but now I have to stop my daughter from eating leaves.

Oh! and the whole reason I logged on - to let you all know that I just reupped for a subscription to Martha Stewart Living WITH a free year's subscription to Everyday Food. I'm so excited and so dorky that I had to share that with everyone.


Meigan said…
And I'm jealous! Enjoy that nice little treat to yourself & please share your projects with your audience!
Kate said…
I got a subscription to Cooking Light and then felt super guilty, but then said, "No, that's one of little pleasures." You and me? Magazine queens! And a little dirt and leaves never hurt anyone. I truly believe that kids don't eat enough dirt anymore and that's why their sick all the time.
Kate said…
Okay. I totally spelled their wrong and left the word my out of a sentence and I think I should just go back to bed and start over.

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