The Last Day

Today is the last day in our house. The last day I'll wake up and after feeding Miss Dahlia we'll crawl back into bed to snuggle for just a little while longer. The last morning I'll get to putz around the kitchen with it's beautiful picture window while watching LIVE (yeah, I do so there) and wasting precious morning moments on the computer. The last day I'll come home from work to THIS house. The last time I give Dahlia a bath here, the last night I'll sleep here.


I'm very very excited to be moving but I'm incredibly sad to be moving too. This is the first house I bought. The first place that was MINE. This is where I met Steve - well, I didn't MEET him here but I lived here when I did. We had our first kiss in the doorway. We fixed the house up. The kitchen is where I told Steve about Dahlia's arrival 9 months in advance. It's where we had friends & family visit. It's where we laughed and cried. It's where we first brought Dahlia home to. Not everything was great...I found out about my Dad's stroke here, we found out about Steve's Dad's stroke here, we lost a great cat here....but overall life has been really good.

Of course it's easy to overlook the rabble-rousers in the neighborhood, freezing cold temps and escalating heat costs when you're reminiscing. The double-oven, which I love, never did quite have the right temperature and having a garage on an alley (which you could never trust) was getting old.

But I'll miss this place. I'll miss our awesome neighbors (hi Anna!) and I'll miss these big picture windows. I'll miss the creaky floors (which I love & hate at the same time - they always wake Dahlia up!). I'll miss the huge kitchen that we spend 90% of our time in. I'll miss the canning pantry and our big ol' yard filled with Steve's trees.

I'm sure there'll be tears tomorrow. I'll try to keep them to myself, but I'm sure I'll fail. I usually do. When everything is gone and the house is empty, I'm likely to lose it.

I know that there are all sorts of new memories waiting to be made at the new house. But for now I'm just going to take today to be a little sad.


Kate said…
I've felt that way about all the places I've lived. The things that happen in a "place" all have meaning and deserve a little bit of grief. So cry all you want. Be sad, too. Moving on requires us to look back at where we've been and that's always a little mind-boggling.
Anonymous said…
It's bittersweet. It's ok to feel all those things - don't try to keep it in.

And congratulations on the new place!
Meigan said…
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Meigan said…
I've lived in four places since my first house. We have so many great memories from all our houses! I know it's not normal to move as much as we do, but I've come to realize it's not the house, city, etc. that matters but the four people sharing the adventure.

That said, my first house will always have a special soft spot in my heart. I'm just happy I got to visit you in yours!
Peder said…
I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm sure the new memories will be wonderful!
michelle said…
aw. i teared up reading your post!

i can't imagine leaving the first house you've bought - i got sad leaving chris's old apartment. i'll be sad leaving this apartment.

but i cannot wait to see the new place with all of your stuff in it (and those new spiffy floors). i can't wait to see it decorated for the holidays. it's going to be awesome.

i'm thinking of you guys :)

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