Help Needed

We're looking for a cabin for a shoot coming up this winter (2 weeks in March) should look like it's sort of isolated/middle of nowhere (even if it's not) and should be rustic but not Ted Kaczinski either. If anyone has any ideas, leads, relatives who have such a cabin, etc PLEASE let me know! oh we're looking for somewhere in Northern Minnesota or NW Wisconsin. And we'll pay.



Cellomama said…
Pete's friend Mattson(the tall groomsman at our wedding, if that rings any bells)has a family cabin on Big Sandy lake that might fit the bill. There are nearly cabins, but it's wooded, so it feels really secluded. It's very cabin-ish. Has running water and a nice deck, but otherwise isn't too pretty. I'll see if Pete will check with him.
Meigan said…
Have you ever been to Kah Nee Tah gallery in Lutsen? We've stayed at their cabins a few times. I think some of them are close together but one is a little seperate.

Anyway, we've always gone in winter & when the snow is blowing, it sure feels like you're in the middle of nowhere when you're really not that far from the main highway.

If those don't work, I know there are others in the area by KNT that might work from the right angle...

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