Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that two years ago Steve & I got married. It seems like just days ago and it seems like I've known him forever.

We celebrated our anniversary early by going up the North Shore for a night on Sunday. Dahlia stayed with Grandma B and we had about 30 baby-free hours. We had a great time. We hiked for 4 hours on Sunday, 2 hours yesterday, ate some good food, enjoyed some good wine, sat in the jacuzzi and most importantly - SLEPT IN. More pics & details coming soon.

Honey - I love you. Thanks for 2 fabulous years - looking forward to many many more to come.


Kate said…
Oh, can I just tell you how fabulous you looked in that dress? I mean seriously. YOU LOOK AMAZING!

And happy anniversary by the way!
Raesha D said…
Happy happy anniversary! !i can't believe it's been two years already!! WOW!!! Time flies when you're having fun:)
Meigan said…
Wow, time really has flown. Congrats & happy anniversary!

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