On The Market...

It's official. We're putting our house up for sale. ACK! We have spent the weekend, with my parents' UNBELIEVABLE help finishing up all those projects we've been meaning to get to for months (years?), purging, packing things away, cleaning cleaning cleaning, painting, more painting, playing with the baby, seeing MAMA MIA! and more cleaning and painting. And throwing things away.

Whew. It's been a MARATHON. Things are looking really great....now we need some good house selling vibes!

I'm not sure how long I can live in this state of perfect neatness! eeeek.


Kate said…
Perfect neatness? I might go insane!!!! And good for you! This is a big step for you guys, how exciting. And aren't parents just the best? Mine, too.
michelle said…
chris and i are sending good vibes your way!

goodluck goodluck goodluck!
Peder said…
Have some good vibes from me too!
Meigan said…
Ooooooh! Good luck! Ask high - everyone is offering low these days!!!!
African Kelli said…
Good luck Carrie! Where are you guys moving?
Cellomama said…
Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!

What is the market like in Duluth? Do you think it will be tough to sell?

I HATE the whole house-selling thing. Being neat-challenged, it was exhausting. Good luck!

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