Dahlia's CT

Just a quick note to say that Dahlia's CT was PERFECTLY NORMAL today! I will also point out that someone said - well, she's your kid so "normal" is relative. Ha. Ha. Needless to say I'm relieved. Very. And so happy with my sweet little baby. I think she just must have a lot of brains poking through that soft spot...ever so slightly....


Cellomama said…
Thank God. I've been thinking about you all day - I'm so glad things look good. Guess it's just that gigantic brain after all!!
Sarita said…
Hooray for extra brains! I sure could use some lately.
Deb said…
Wonderful news. Always nice to hear the word "Normal"!
feisty said…
excellent...excellent! (NOT meant to sound like Mr. Burns)
Kate said…
Relief! Thanks for letting us know. That's a huge weight off your mind. (And that would be funny if we weren't talking about your baby's mind!)
Test said…
VERY good news. I think she is just extra smart.
African Kelli said…
Thank goodness! Such good news. I hope you are both doing well!
Meigan said…
I knew it - I'm so glad everything is ok. Give her a little squeeze for me, please!

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