Weekend Update

Wow - what a weekend. Busy busy busy...but quite good.

Thursday (not technically the weekend, but whatever) - Steve & I went to the Duluth premiere of FRESH DULUTH which is a documentary about how awesome Duluth is. My friends at Pro Video produced this film and I was excited to see it. It was really good - made me so proud to live here. It was a fun night with a great turn out. I'm really happy for them! Afterwards we went to the Red Star for martinis...well, I had martinis, because we had a BABYSITTER ON A WEEKNIGHT. It was awesome.

Friday night my friend Sarah came in from Minneapolis - SPECIFICALLY so we could go see SEX AND THE CITY together, on opening night. I so rarely get to the theater these days to see a film, I was thrilled that this happened! We were going to go to the 7pm showig but it was sold-out so we opted for the 9:50 (way past my bedtime) showing instead. Beforehand were were back at the Red Star for more martinis. It's only fitting. I have never seen so many women dressed up to go to a movie! My Keens & jeans probably weren't cutting it but ah well, it's about personal style, right? We had a great time at the film. So much funny, so much heartbreaking, so much kicking ass. I loved it. We didn't get home til 12:45 - which is CERTAINLY past my bedtime. Ah well.

Saturday Dahlia & I went to my SIL's baby shower. She's due July 5th. She's having a little boy. I'm so excited - I'm excited for her, their family, the new one that's on his way - probably because it's all so fresh for me, but I really hope that she knows I'm here for her. I want to be able to give her advice, but I'm NOT going to give it unsolicited....so...hopefully I can be of some help at some point....

After that Sarah & I ran around to get food/drinks for the cast & crew screening party later that night. There was MUCH running around. Never enough time in the day, ya know? The screening went off quite well - people laughed in the right places, they applauded each band's performances. Obviously this crowd was the EASIEST to please -hopefully we will be so lucky when it's "for real" in a few weeks.

Yesterday Sarah, Steve, Dahlia & I went for a hike. We hiked a 2.7 mile section from 123rd Ave West & Beck's Road.

This is one of my favorite sections. it's so beautiful in there. And we didn't see ANYONE til we were coming out at the fon du lac trail head! Amazing. It was soooo fresh & green in there. The weather was awesome and it was a great hike. I think Dahlia really enjoyed it. Afterwards we ate lunch outside at Sir Ben's, had a malt at the Portland Malt Shoppe and got home before it rained. It was a great great day.

Now - it's back to reality. A million things on the to-do list and a deadline which is LOOMING. Ugh.


Kate said…
How cute is that one of her in front of STeve?????
Meigan said…
Fun weekend!

I totally agree with Kate - that's a great picture. She looks like she is in her element when she's hiking!

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