Weekend Update

Another weekend come & gone...do I start all my weekend updates that way? Quite possibly.

I have some photos, but forgot the camera at home, so those will come later.

Friday night...Hmmmm, what did I do Friday night. I can't remember. Probably nothing too exciting. Oh, I think we started watching STARDUST but didn't get very far into it because SOMEONE wouldn't go to sleep. That's all I remember from Friday.

Saturday I ran some errands and got my haircut. Whohoo. I LOVE scalp massages. Seriously it is not even funny. LOVE IT. I could have that done for hours. The rest of the day was spent putzing around the house, trying to not have my husband FREAK OUT over all the STUFF we have and how unORGANIZED we are. He gets sort of cranky about it. It's true...but we just have to keep working little by little to get things where they need to be. It doesn't help to have a heart attack over it. I also did some sewing and read my book. Exciting, eh?

Yesterday more putzing, laundry, etc. We put Dahlia in her JUMPEROO for the first time - she's WAAAAAY too short, but she can hold up her head so we stuck a box under her toes. She doesn't quite *get it* yet but she is FASCINATED by all the toys to look at at touch and try to put in her mouth. She's "jumped" a little bit - more like realized she can move her legs and affect her position - but she'll get there. We shopped for a bike trailer - and found one! Hopefully we'll pick it up later today. I'm excited to commute to work with Dahlia in tow! I'm a TOTAL WIMP though so it might be tough. Also might be a good way to lose the rest of the baby weight (which, pat-myself-on-the-back, is only 2 pounds but I'M A TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHAPE - YUCK!).

We took a family hike in Hartley Nature Center where Steve worked on his adopted section of the Superior Hiking Trail. He's a johnny appleseed that's for sure. He planted (!) a couple white pines and a couple spruces. My man looooves him some trees. We have so many in our yard "ready to be planted" that it is almost like a nursery. i'm not kidding. I think he is single handedly trying to reforest the Lincoln Park neighborhood & ALL of Duluth! If you're in Duluth and are interested in a very nice white pine, spruce, cedar or hybrid poplar - let me know!! He started them from seedlings (or from cuttings) and there are PLENTY. Quite beautiful but we only have a 50x120 lot!

After our hike we went to Grandpa Roger's house for dinner. Dahlia was whiny, the food was good, visiting was good but we stayed too late and I opted for the easy bottle-feed-and-rocking method of putting Dahlia to bed instead of the CIO method we've been trying (okay, one night...). Ah well, she'll get there.

Now, Monday? BUSY BUSY BUSY. Trying to get all the GOD ROCKS stuff ready to go - my head is spinning...but it's good. Dahlia's been napping for an hour and a half (a FIRST!) - I think bringing the pack-n-play to work is HELPING!...it's great because I've been able to get stuff done.


Kate said…
I think it's great that you take Dahlia outside so much. I mean, I know you and Steve are outdoors types (and the tree thing? Yeah. The doctor I work for is the same way), but sometimes with newborns, people are afraid to take the little ones out. You're building her to be tough! That makes me happy.
Cellomama said…
I have those moments, too, where I sort of freak out because there are patches of just crazy chaos in our house. But you are totally right - it's just a matter of picking off one spot at a time and working through it. We've really made remarkable progress. Although it seems like new spots are always brewing. It's a process.

BTW - I biked with Kate in the trailer quite a bit last year and it's really not much more of a load. Much less than you would expect - and Dahlia is a lot lighter than Kate was last year. Of course, Plymouth is hardly as hilly as Duluth, but I bet you'll do great.
feisty said…
hey- on God Rocks, cannot wait to figure out what this is about! my friend from PHS Jody K. is in the flick, i believe! i saw him tonight, singing karoake at the Keyport!

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