Weekend Update
The weekend, once again, flew by MUCH too quickly. I mean really? Two days off and five days on? Who thought this was a good idea? (okay okay, don't answer that - clearly the people working seven days on thought it was GREAT!)...I digress...
Friday night...we had a pick up shoot for WHITE MAN'S WORLD at my house. It involved Jason & our actress Kris, Pat our makeup guru and myself. Mostly Pat & I sipped cocktails & discussed religion & philosophy while the scene was being shot. I dug it! The scene went great it was a fun night. Pat LOVES Dahlia so it was nice that they got to spend some quality time together.
Dahlia slept til 7:15am on Saturday! Whohoo! THAT rocked my world. The rest of the day was spent putzing around, more ADR work for GOD ROCKS and Dahlia's first birthday party! It was for our friends' little girl Claira who was turning 3. There was a lot of commotion - gave us a glimpse as to what we're in for in a couple of years.
That night was pretty mellow. Steve & I hung out and watched some videos of Dahlia (we're so exciting!) and I read my book. Whohooo!
Yesterday we all slept in (heaven! Although Dahlia thought it was great to get up at 3:40 to eat!! WTF?), we made a lovely brunch and read the Sunday paper. Well, Steve & I did. Dahlia can't read yet. ;) I hung out with Miss M for a while in the afternoon. We made some sidewalk art in the backyard, blew bubbles and did some artsy stuff. I gave her a belated b-day book which included an "I love to Draw!" book so she did some of those. She's really, really good. In fact her sidewalk art was a portrait of Dahlia in her snowsuit. So cute! After that we had more ADR for GOD ROCKS and I later met Steve & Dahlia at Steve's Dad's for dinner. We got home later than we wanted, got to bed later than expected and now it's Monday. *sigh* I know Steve slept good though because he wasn't aware that I got up at 4:25 to feed Dahlia. (btw, is this the 4-month sleep regression I've heard rumor of?).
Now it's Monday - the week ahead holds us screening the trailer of GOD ROCKS tonight at the Duluth Homegrown Film Festival, more ADR work tomorrow, hanging with friends on Wednesday, screening the film for fresh eyes on Thursday and a doctor's appointment I don't want to talk about on Friday. Then it's the weekend. Damn, time flies, eh?
as you can tell, my posting is down to NOTHING b/c I have no more time. what did I do with myself before I had Claire?