Yet Another Reason Why I Love Target

Approx $26

Target Brand Formula - Approx $13....

And Dahlia seems to eat it no problem!


Sarita said…
We switched to Target brand after the samples from out doc ran out. I think I got a funny look when I told her we'd switched to generic, but decided to ignore it. Relia is doing just fine and costs sooo much less
carrster said…
Our pediatrician made some comment last time about "why don't you just buy the generic...?" so we did! I checked the ingredients, minerals, vitamins and everything is almost exactly the same.

Now - she didn't sleep that great last night...I hope that's not due to the new formula!
Meigan said…
OMG - that's so cheap! I don't think generic was available when Natalie was little.

Oh that formula got to be expensive! I think it's one of the reasons we started her on solids so early.

I hope it works for her!

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