Weekend Recap

We had a good weekend....here are some highlights:

Meigan and her family were in town to visit the in-laws and do a bit of late season skiing. They stopped by to say hello and meet Miss Dahlia. I hadn't seen Meigan in a few yeas (although - DUH I saw them at the NEWTON'S premiere a couple years ago) She has graciously embarrassed me on her site with some LOVELY pictures - go check them out and tell me you don't LOVE my pants.

Anyhoo - it was great to see Meigan & the gang. Her girls are SO sweet. It makes me excited for Dahlia's fun future!! She also brought us some yummy chicken & rice soup which we ate last night for dinner - so good!! And a gift for little Dahlia and a bag full of samples from her work - I'm set! Meigan it was GREAT to see you! I'm looking forward to the next visit - there were so many subjects we didn't even touch on!!

I got my hair cut & colored:
Of course it looked cute the first day but I cannot recreate that look. It also looks better than in this picture - I have a hard time taking self portraits. Anyway - it's short (particularly in the back) and it's colored and I *think* I like it! It always takes me a few days...

We watched THE GRADUATE (as I posted about earlier) and I also took Miss M to HORTON HEARS A WHO which I thought was adorable! Miss M & I also made some Easter cards.

Yesterday my friend Sarah (blogless) was in town to also do some late-season skiing. She and her beau John stopped by. It was the first time for me to meet the NEW BOYFRIEND so that was fun. He's great. I think they are a really great pair. I am hoping good things for them!!!

Dahlia slept for 8 hours IN A ROW on Friday night which was awesome. Saturday night it was a bit less and last night she got up at 3am which I wasn't all that thrilled with but what can ya do? We had some awesome snuggle time so that made up for it.

I cleaned up 7 cat pukes, did about 15 loads of laundry, cleaned up countless spit ups (including a lovely projectile over my shoulder in the kitchen), scooped a litter box and cleaned a toilet. ah weekends!

Now, it's Monday and the Minnesota Revenue dept has something to say to me (work related...poopy).


Kate said…
Fun weekend! So great that Meigan could come up and see you and family. And I think you'll just love your hair. Do you do it messy? I think short hair is fabulous. On other people. It make my face look fat. No joke. Great pics on Meigan's site, huh?
Meigan said…
Yes, it WAS fun to get together again! We'll be back up this summer or sooner, for sure. Kyle is jonesing to go fishing (could you tell?)
michelle said…
i LOVE the new hair! it looks fantastic! :)

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