
Well, I figured I wouldn't get that great of sleep last night. Dahlia slept for most of the afternoon and I had to sort of wake her up to eat dinner. She & I read part of THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH around 9 or so and she fell asleep in my arms. I put her down and there were no problems. I figured she might be up again around 10:30 to eat and sure enough! Just as I was falling asleep she was waking up. She also got up to eat at about 3:30 which was an hour shy of what I was hoping for. Luckily she went back down at 4:30 for another couple of hours which was good. I knew blogging about her recent decent sleep habits would bite me in the ass. Ah well.

I had something else to say today but I'll be damned if I can remember it. Hmph.


Mrs. Ca said…
I'm reading The Pillars of the Earth right now too! I'm really enjoying it. How about you?

Sorry last night was a rough night again. Hopefully she'll get back on track tonight.
Test said…
I'm with you today. Claire pulled a Dahlia last night so I am feeling the pain of having less than 4 hours of total sleep today. (Longest stretch of sleep for Ms. C was 2 hours last night). Urgh.

I told her last night it's a darn good thing she is so darn cute and that mommy can do a presentation on the fly, cuz who knows what would have happened when she popped back awake at 3:30am this morning.......
Anonymous said…
I saw this and thought of your little girl....since it was named Dahlia

African Kelli said…
She'll be in a routine before you know it! In the meantime, I am sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts.

Btw -- I LOVED "The Glass Castle." Thank you again!
Kate said…
Poor baby, she just doesn't want to be away from her mommy that long!

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