
I'm not trying to be such a whiner. I just feel like this is one of the only outlets I have. I really appreciate everyone's comments.


michelle said…
you are certainly not a whiner. you're a new mother!

i'm just glad you have this outlet! can you imagine the 'good old days' when there were no computers and no outlets? ay yi yi!

We'll always be here to keep you positive and listen to whatever needs listening to! If i had the money for gas i'd drive up there this weekend and give ya big hug! (and some free time :))

love ya and miss ya a ton!
Anonymous said…
Dude, you're NOT a whiner!! You're tired and being a new Mommy is HARD! There's no shame in aknowledging that. And there is absolutely no reason to apologize for voicing it. Frankly, if more Mommies would be open about how hard the first few months are, less would feel like it's just them not measuring up.

((HUGS)) I have to go back to work full time next week for the first time since Holland was born and it's still a massive juggling act. My house is a mess, I'm always writing out bills at the last second, and there are a billion unfinished projects around here. BUT, we're all fed and dressed, reasonably happy and haven't been evicted yet, so I call it a win. LOL Time (and sleep!) just gives you different perspective.

Vent away lady!!! It makes ya feel better! :)
michelle said…
i agree - with julie. if more moms actually told it like it was perhaps the new ones wouldn't feel like they were alone in all this.

you're doing great carrie :)

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