Why does it take so long?*

I keep thinking that I am crazy because it takes me 2 hours in the middle of the night to feed my baby. Of course that includes: nursing, supplementing w/bottle (sometimes 2 bottles if my pumped breast milk is inadequate...ahem), changing her diaper, setting her up so she doesn't spit up every where (either holding her, burping her, putting her in the boppy, etc), pumping, cajoling infant back to sleep etc.

I LONG for the days (nights) when I can just put her to breast, feed her and be done (well, plus the changing, propping up....). I am just so tired.

Tomorrow AM is the dreaded 8:30 appointment - wish me luck!

*sorry for being so thoroughly one-note lately...eventually (i hear!) I will get a semblance of my life back.


Anonymous said…
You will! I'm sorry you are having such a rough start to nursing. It will get better and your night time ritual will be done so easily that you will remain half asleep while you do it.

Sending hugs. Oh did UPS bring you anything lately??
Cellomama said…
Again, you will. This is definitely the toughest part - you will get through it. It's just one day at a time those first couple of months. Sleep whenever you can. Really. The laundry-dishes-crafting-knitting can all wait.

Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

Samantha Keown said…
Your friends here are right Carrie, please try and get some sleep during the day to help you emotionally. I am napping at any opportunity I can. My nighttime ritual takes a minimum of 1-2 hours. Its just the way it is. I have started watching bbc world news during the night so I am not feeling crazy sat up by myself. I also wake Cary when I feel myself getting anxious. Get Steve to help you whenever possible.

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