Roller. Coaster.
I am effectively on the post-baby roller coaster of emotions. It's insane and I know it's happening but sometimes get swept up in the ups and downs anyway. Today, for instance I have been at times pleasantly content and things are going smoothly and I can actually think about the future in a very positive light or I can be holding Miss Dahlia on the floor in the living room bawling my eyes out because clearly I am not a good enough mother to have such a precious little daughter.
It's exhausting.
The feeding thing continues to be a challenge. I'm coming up on my 4th day of Reglan and haven't seen an improvement in my milk supply. *sigh* I go in to the LC again tomorrow to have Dahlia weighed & checked out. She has been HUNGRY for days. I can nurse her, supplement her (with either breastmilk or formula and she will be HUNGRY - frantically HUNGRY again in an hour. I am hoping it's because of a growth spurt or something. I hate to see her so agitated all the time. The only thing that calms her (after we check all the other usual suspects - diaper, position, burping, temperature level, boredom, etc) is to eat another ounce. *sigh* Maybe this is good? Okay? I don't know. (that's the much UNKNOWN). Anyway - clearly my feelings of self-inadequacy are not going anywhere until I a) get some more damn milk or b) come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to get any more milk. I am going back to the endocrinologist on Friday to have my thyroid re-checked (as apparently this can mess with your milk production and I was *borderline* before) and I also have the business card of an accupuncturist (apparently the Chinese believe accupuncture can increase milk supply). Those are the last two things I can think of.
In other news - we traveled to Eveleth yesterday to visit Steve's Great-Aunt Marian. It was her wish (her "life's wish") to see Steve hold his daughter...and she's not in the best of health these days (not "sick" but dying of cancer...does that make sense?) so we wanted to make sure that Marian got to meet Dahlia.
i'm not experienced in anything related to babies but everything she said sounds exactly right :)
you're doing a great job Carrie!