Office Day

We are at the office today! Just for a little bit. I am a paranoid new momma with a very spitty-uppy-mini-baby and wanted to take her to the clinic to get weighed. (she weighs in now at 7lbs 1oz!!!! that's an ounce a day since last week - yay!!!!) She is also 20 3/4" 'tall' - whohooo!. Anyway - since the clinic parking ramp is where I will park when I'm "working" with her and since the stroller for the infant seat finally came and I put it together today and since I'm trying to DO THINGS to get out of the house as to not lose my mind.....I decided to come to work! The parking/stroller/skywalk situation works great - even when it's chilly out. I can enter the skywalk very close to where I park, go through the Sheraton and then only have to cross the street (twice, my building is kitty-corner) and voila! I'm inside again. It wasn't too bad now that it "warmed up" today.

So, we showed Miss Dahlia off to the ladies that were in the building. We checked the mail (apparently Jason didn't check the mail for the past 6 weeks) and opened all of it (ugh!) and found a bill that's overdue (doh) and now we're surfing the net before we bundle up and head on home. It's almost lunchtime. I should've brought the necessary equipment with me and we could've stayed longer least we got out. At least we tried something new. Hopefully it will make this day go by quicker until DADDDY COMES HOME! (our favorite time of the day...).

In other news...I'm feeling a bit better. I think Sunday was a low low low day for me. The lowest? I cannot say but I feel like maybe, just maybe a corner has been turned. I don't know if it's due to timing, stopping the Rx or just simply talking about how I feel to anyone & everyone that made a difference but whatever. I'll go with it. I'm sure I'll have my moments and I'm on WATCH for myself to make sure that I'm ok but the past two days (well, including today thus far) have been better. Steve got up with her the entire night on Sunday (he had yesterday off for MLK Day) and I was amazed at what a full night (sort of) of sleep will do. He also decided that he needs to help out more so has agreed to do the 2am feeding alone nightly. I think I hear the heaven's open and choirs of angels sing. It's amazing. I was still up a lot last night but I did get a solid chunk of 4 hours or so which was heavenly. I still have a lot to work through but hopefully we'll get there sooner rather than later. Thank you everyone for your kind words, advice and happy vibes. I need them (please don't stop them yet!).


Anonymous said…
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Every day, you just have to give yourself permission to be human. You can't do it all and there are so many things that just won't get done and you have to be ok with that. So what if you have to order dinner or make Steve go pick it up? Or if the towels don't get folded. No one ever died of having to dry off with a towel that was rumpled out of the laundry basket. The health and happiness of you and Dahlia are the most important things right now. Other things are also important and you'll get to the point where you can deal with that, but it's ok if that point isn't now.

Hugs to you. Glad you are feeling better and hope you just continue to get better and better!
Cellomama said…
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. That sleep will make a WORLD of difference. Hooray for Steve stepping up. You trying to get back to some of your normal life will help, too.

Talk to you soon.
K said…
Ditto what everyone else said! I'm so glad you were able to get out! Nothing like seeing other human beings (not related or necessarily close friends) and the sun (even it's a cold sun) to make you feel a bit more human. :) I'm sure everyone oohed and ahhed over your little cutie and that's always good for a boost too. Here's hoping this is your upswing - but there are still plenty of hugs and good thoughts coming your way!
P.S. My godson is three and has a 1 year old brother and my best friend still has days/nights that feel like they might never end, but at least she can get a full night's sleep in between! You'll get there too.
Meigan said…
Wow Carrie - Miss Dahlia is growing like a spring flower! That should make you feel good about your feedings & it should also help her sleep more. The bigger they get, the better they sleep, right? Both of my girls were over 7 pounds when they were born, so I had it that much easier.

Hang in there & take the bad days with the good, you know? We're all rooting for ya.
MamaD4 said…
Keep hanging in there. I was watching "Parenthood" the other day (I haven't really seen it since I'VE become a parent) and one line stood out. The part where Steve Martin and Mary Steenburgen are kind of arguing about having that fourth baby and the grandma comes in and says something about "Who wants to ride the merry-go-round, it just goes around and around...I'd rather ride the roller coaster!" Meaning, parenting is just that, a roller coaster ride. Things will get better. It's completely normal, what you're going through. I went through it with both of my babies, though with Annika a little more severely. Keep doing what you're doing--getting out, doing things to make yourself feel normal again. Routine is everything, and so important for babies.

And never feel guilty for taking care of yourself first!!

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