No Help There

I'm so frustrated and sad after my appointment at the endocrinologist today. The nurse practitioner came in and said "I had my detectives working on you..." Huh? She said "I don't think you need to be here."

I explained that I wanted to have my thyroid re-checked on the advice of the lactation nurses because of my low milk supply.

I could tell right away that she thought that idea was wrong. In fact she even said she thought the other nurses were wrong.

But after a little chatting she spoke with the endocrinologist who did confirm that he did a full check-up on me in November and that re-checking my thyroid would make sense. Even though the numbers were all in the *normal* levels.

Apparently hyPER thyroid could cause supply problems; hyPO thyroid probably not. I have been at one time hyPER and my family is hyPO so who knows what I am.

I am in tears because I thought this would be the answer. Get on a pill, start the hormones regulating and la-ti-dah I'm off and running.

Not so much.

I did have labs done and will find out this afternoon the results. I'm sure it will yield nothing. *sigh* Not that I WANT a thyroid condition, I just want some answers and solutions to the milk problem.

And no, I don't think it helps that one of Reglan's side effects is depression. Genius move prescribing that to new mothers who are having nursing troubles. Ay yi yi.


Cellomama said…
Bummer. I'm so sorry you didn't get the help you were hoping for. While it's good to know that you're healthy in that regard, I know what it's like to "hope" that thyroid issues are the root of something you really want "fixed".

I'm so sorry the breastfeeding woes continue. I'm so impressed with everything you're doing to try to work it out. Remember that any breastmilk at all is so beneficial, so try not to let it be too tough if you can't meet all her needs. She needs a happy mom most of all!!

Lots of hugs to you and Baby Dahlia!!
kmd said…
Thinking of you, Carrie. Hugs to you both!

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