Deep Dark Nasty Secret

Sometimes I hate my new life.

Am I a terrible person?


Anonymous said…
No NO NO NO! You are a human, who had a full life before you had a baby. And you are having a really tough time of it. It's only natural that you mourn the loss of your former life.

I swear it gets better. I swear I swear I swear. I was there. I know how you feel. Leave that girl with Steve and go take a walk by yourself or get away even if it's only for an hour.

I'm sending a hug your way.
Anonymous said…
I sometimes feel the same way. I have 2 little ones. It's only a fleeting thought, but it happens. You are such a good mommy! Go out, get some me time, even if it's just a nap or a walk like the other poster said.
I know that with both of my kids those first few weeks you wonder what you got yourself into, and how to get out of it! Sanity comes and goes. :)
Sarita said…
Hell no. It is amazing, that in some ways these are the things we want more than anything, but when it gets here we realize that it was it was so EASY before, and we'd give a lot just to go back for a day or two.
They tell us so much about how to be pregnant. but virtually nothing about how to survive the really tough part: learning to be a mom.
michelle said…
hang in there carrie.

we love and miss you tons!

(p.s. - my mom absolutely adores babies (and you). she has tuesdays and wednesdays off. she would love to watch the wee one while you went for a walk. went to a movie. anything. anytime.)
K said…
NO WAY! We all have our moments of doubt and when it involves a small, helpless being, I'm sure there are more moments of doubt! You are doing a great job. Like everyone else said, make sure to get a few minutes to yourself and DON'T sweat the laundry, dishes etc....just give yourself time!
kmd said…
Oh, Carrie. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I wish I could be there to help you. Sending you hugs.

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