Down & Back

Well, I made it. The weather was considerably better today than yesterday and I was able to get on the road by about 10:30 or so this morning. It would've been earlier, but our garage was fairly drifted in and it would've taken too long for Steve to get it cleared out....but all that fussing took time and I ended up taking Steve's car - which was cleverly parked on the street as to not get blocked in the alley.

The roads *too* bad but I was sufficiently paranoid to slow my driving and feel like a turtle. Oh well. I kept telling Baby B that sometimes you have to go at your own pace in life, even when other cars are flying past you, and that's okay. We made it in just over 2 1/2 hours which is not far off actual pace.

The shower was very nice! My cousins Abbey & Meaghan along with my sister threw it for the R- side of the family. It was fun to get to see people since I won't see them at Christmas this year. We played a few games (sculpting baby items out of play-do was quite difficult!), ate some fantastic food (I took extra insulin for the occasion - yes! I even had fully carb-loaded ice cream. It was great) and Baby B got some really adorable clothes.

I am looking forward to now SLOWING the hell down and taking some time to finish nesting and relax and not freak out (too much) for the next three weeks. I plan on working only about 3 days a week from here on out, on finishing a few Christmas projects (and trying hard not to start new ones) and trying to get things in order so I can try to enjoy the holidays & the anticipation of Baby B's arrival.

Oh and did I mention WE WRAPPED OUR 2ND FEATURE FILM OF THE YEAR this weekend?!?!? WHOHOOO! I know there's some champagne around here somewhere......

Now, time for a bite to eat, a bath and bed. I'm pooped.


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