Exciting News!

I've been sitting on this for a while, until it became OFFICIALLY official and now it has so here it goes...

Steve got a new job - whohooo!!!

(probably more exciting to me than anyone else, but still!)

He has been trying to get a forestry job here in Duluth/NE MN for the whole time I have known him. It is not easy to break into this industry as once you're in (esp if you're working for the County or US Gov) you stay in until you retire. We could've moved to bumf**k no where - but we wanted to stay in Duluth, on the North Shore where we love it so much and VOILA! After about 4 years he's in!!

The process was long - it involved testing (he had to test every year to stay on the hiring roster), a pre-interview assignment (about a timber sale or something...), a 6-panel member interview, a field assignment during said interview, a physical endurance test & a drug test. At long last all the hurdles have been jumped!

He will be a forestry technician trainee and he will get to work out of the Pike Lake office (which is pretty much Duluth) which is SOOOO awesome because we thought it would probably be the Virginia office which is an hour away. 2 hours commuting in this town is NOT cool. Especially in the winter...especially with a new baby at home.

So - crack open that champagne and raise a glass to my sweetie! I'm so proud of him for sticking it out this long time and landing a job IN HIS FIELD (amazing! we both did that in the space of a year - whohooo!).


Meigan said…
Oh my gosh, congratulations Steve! Carrie, that is such great news - what an awesome job!!!
michelle said…

I am SO thrilled for you both!! What a fantastic year this has been :) And it's only going to get better!!
Deb said…
Yeah for Steve _ and you and the baby since I'm assuming you get to stay there with him!!
Test said…
yippee! You two are inspirations to those of us still toiling in corp america :)
Cellomama said…
Yahoo!! I'm so thrilled for both of you!! Congratulations to Steve!
Peder said…
That's wonderful!
kmd said…
HOORAY Steve! That's wonderful! Congratulations!

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