Baby Baby Baby

I'm starting to sound like that's all I think about! sort of is!

So, yeah, 31 weeks today; 9 weeks to go.

I think it will be less. My gut has always been "New Year's Baby" but now I just have this feeling that Baby B will be coming sooner rather than later. I don't know why I have this feeling I just do. Probably because Mama wants a big glass of wine & some chocolate cake! (just kidding....sort of...).

I think I have noticed my first few stretch marks (I can't see them that well though due to the angle...). Damn that pisses me off. My Mom & sister have NONE and I'm about to cry foul!! Steve says it doesn't matter to him, but I say it matters to ME. *sigh* I continue to lather on the belly butter although I'm pretty sure that's only to make me feel better mentally.

Steve's Mom bought Steve the "Christmas Snoopy" from Hallmark (it has a Charlie Brown Christmas tree on his t-shirt & lights up/plays the Peanuts them when you push his paw) for his birthday. But really it's for the baby. It's annoying and fabulous at the same time.

Our baby will be naked unless I go shopping soon. We have a load of new born onesies thanks to Kathy & the triplets but we only have one sleeper & that's a 3mo sleeper. Methinks I should do some shopping....


Test said…
Are you looking for sleep sacks or PJs?
carrster said…
We have one sleep sack - and we'll probably be borrowing a miracle blanket from the triplets for sleeping - I guess I mean regular old newborn clothes - warm enough to stand our house in the winter! ha!
Cellomama said…
Don't buy too much until next week!!

As for newborn clothes - Kate pretty much lived in little fleecy, fuzzy sleeper-like outfits the whole winter. I especially liked having outfits with feet on them to keep her tootsies warm. One pieces are nice, too, because you'll be changing him/her a LOT.

Sarita said…
I felt the same way about my baby-centric blogging (still do sometimes)
We love footed PJs. The gowns that all of my friends swore by won't work now because her little feet immediately wiggle their way out into the cold.

God bless the miracle blanket!

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