It only gets better....

I'm in a fragile state today (as previously posted) and just have been on the verge all day. This was not helped by the fact that we watched a show on Nostradamus during dinner at Steve's Dad's house tonight (oh and how I love eating in front of the TV....). Basically the end of the world is coming and what am I THINKING bringing a child into this? Yeah, so that was making me choke back tears and then, my so incredibly thoughtful and caring BIL says to me "what if your baby is the next Hitler?" I didn't know whether to burst into tears or to stick my fork in his eye (I was in the "back row" (It's a very weird set up) so I couldn't get to him in time through all the tv trays - he was lucky).


I excused myself shortly after that lovely comment and came home. I'm tried, I'm an emotional & hormonal wreck today and I sobbed my eyes out all the way home. I am just overwhelmed at the moment. I am going to bed because then maybe I'll stop THINKING. (great, more weird & disturbing pg dreams to come, I'm sure...)


michelle said…
Oh Dear God - really - who does say that.....

i'm sorry :(

i also get incredibly freaked out and sad during programs like that and have horrible thoughts and can only imagine being pregnant and having them. chris and i hope you feel better soon!!
Anonymous said…
OK, nothing against your BIL but that comment was nothing but pure jackassery. That's not even funny as a joke. You have every right to be upset about that - I wouldn't even blame that on hormones.

Here's a hug. Get some rest. Maybe eat some cheese. It'll be ok.
K said…
Here's hoping tomorrow dawns nice and sunny and the people are more compassionate and intelligent!

At least you know your maternal instinct is kicking in! ;)

Feel better soon....I hear chocolate helps!
kmd said…
Hugs to you, Carrie!
Peder said…
Holy cats! I'd say that a comment like that is bad enough that you can hold it in reserve. Stick him with the fork the next time you see him.
Meigan said…
Yuk! What a horrible thing to say! I can't imagine anyone saying something so awful!

I'm sorry you're having anxieties. Gillian came on 12/11/01 - just 3 months after 9/11. I remember wondering if she would ever see the light of day. Guess it all turned out ok, and it will with you & chick pea, too.

Take care!
Nanette said…
More hugs for you!
MommyLisa said…
I was just crying the other night thinking about how the politicians are messing it up for everyone... ONE TRILLION TO IRAN zero for children's health. I phreaked T out a bit.

As mommies we do the best we can and take care of our babies so they grow up to be their very best.

Maybe your baby will grow up to be Ghandi, or cure the common cold? Let's dream those pg dreams instead!
Test said…
I saw the same damn show and just posted before reading that I fear I have brought Claire into this horrible world. Who the hell does this to us?

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