
I just found out I failed my 3-hour glucose tolerance test. So I have GD. Pisser.


Mrs. Ca said…
Oh that is bad news! I'm so sorry to hear that.
Anonymous said…
Well hopefully it'll just be a matter of watching your diet, not insulin and hopefully will go away when Chick Pea is born. What do they say about it? The good news is the baby is measuring just right so hopefully it won't be too hard on you.

Cellomama said…
Oh bummer, Carrie! I'm so sorry to hear that! :-(
kmd said…
My sister-in-law had GD and did just fine watching her diet. I hope it doesn't cause you too much discomfort. Hugs.
Test said…
Urgh. Sorry to hear that.
Meigan said…
Oh, that sucks!

My hubby is diabetic & I have some recipes that are really yummy. Let me know if you're interested.

Not exactly an easy thing to have to deal with given all you've got going right now! At least it's just a few months.
Nanette said…
Booooo! :(

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